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12:00 AM
It'd be a great experience too. Everything from webforms to mvc to PLC controllers and embed.
And hydraulics
I can take a programming internship, but I have to have approval from the college. The department head specifically said I should be involved in software security, and he wants to know if I would be working on a new project, or just maintaining an old one, and different stuff.
Otherwise, I'm looking for MIS and DB type stuff.
[Hosch250/Rubberduck] 14 commits. 553 additions. 147 deletions.
Mug the stupid chat thing won't let me star that...
12:02 AM
[retailcoder/Rubberduck] 24 commits. 2951 additions. 603 deletions.
I got it working btw.
Management Information Systems, like ERPs and the like.
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] 4 commits. 3 opened issues. 1 closed issue. 7 issue comments. 252 additions. 222 deletions.
[Vannevelj/VSDiagnostics] 1 commit. 1 opened issue. 4 issue comments. 12609 additions. 1967 deletions.
[Vogel612/TranslationHelper\‌​] 5 commits. 618 additions. 275 deletions.
[Zomis/Machine-Learning] 5 commits. 1 opened issue. 99 additions. 26 deletions.
Ohhhhh. We've got the worst home brewed ERP along with the worst purchased ERP... Nightmare.
LOL. Perfect experience.
12:04 AM
Lol. It's a trip. Some of the worst code I've ever seen.
33 downloads already. I've got a niche me thinks. nuget.org/packages/Rubberduck.Winforms
Nice! I should figure out how @cheezesteak did that for the 2.0 release. Then again, I don't know how to build the installer anymore either...
Eh, we're so not there yet :-)
12:21 AM
May 10th, remember!
Or before
12:41 AM
Reminder to self: reply to that email
1:18 AM
Does a class with a leading underscore have a special meaning in COM?
for example, what is the Difference between Excel.Global and Excel._Global
1:33 AM
YES!!! I committed to GitHub with my Source Control view.
[Hosch250/Rubberduck] Hosch250 pushed commit b5152e31 to BugBlipper: Login confirmed to be working. Clean up a couple things.
Now, I just need to re-do the action after the login.
Right now, it sends me to the login screen, but doesn't retry the action afterward.
@ThunderFrame underscore hides the class from COM clients AFAIK
[Hosch250/Rubberduck] Hosch250 pushed commit 03e84b9b to BugBlipper: Refresh views.
1:47 AM
@Mat'sMug oh, but I can use either in Excel, IIRC.
you can use them, but they won't be in IntelliSense. right?
@RubberDuck Are you around just now?
Hmm. This might be an ugly hack, but it might work.
Wierd behaviour in Object browser. Set show hidden members, then search for a member of Excel.Global, like ActiveWorkbook.... Object browser finds both members, but displays both class names as Global (without the underscore)
2:22 AM
[Hosch250/Rubberduck] Hosch250 pushed commit 282cb8e8 to BugBlipper: Fix a couple bugses
I need ideas to re-trigger the current action after a login was performed.
2:44 AM
[Hosch250/Rubberduck] Hosch250 pushed commit b7ab48cf to BugBlipper: Delete old source control files
Now to set up context menus for the listbox and gridview items.
Currently waiting for Windows to install updates.
3:36 AM
> @autoboosh if all that's missing is project-wide #Const values, we'll document it as a known limitation and move on - this is definitely going into 2.0! :+1: :+1: :+1:
@rubberduckvba well well well... looks like next release will actually handle that evil code nicely! https://github.com/rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck/issues/1132#issuecomment-190405703
@rubberduckvba You'll only embolden the evildoers.
I was already an emboldened evildoer.
but seriously, Parser Boom on Feb 1 ("AND SO BE IT"), to pseudo pre-compiler, and fix, in less than 30 days! OSS rocks.
3:53 AM
^^ totally
I know there's a logical explanation for it, but this one puzzles me:
actually, none of the @Ignore annotations seem to work
> Something happened that broke something we didn't have tests for:


None of the `@Ignore` annotations seem to work now:

[Hosch250/Rubberduck] Hosch250 pushed commit 9eb8025b to BugBlipper: Continue pushing/syncing after login
[retailcoder/Rubberduck] retailcoder pushed commit b3613d21 to CodeExplorer: Fixes #1162; also fixes broken resx keys in inspections window, and ensures ProcedureNotUsedInspection accounts for @Ignore annotations
[Hosch250/Rubberduck] Hosch250 pushed commit 1ca17b76 to BugBlipper: Make commit and push/sync really work
4:21 AM
Dishes time.
@zippy1981 Almost done. Just have context menus/drag drop/unit tests left! Pull BugBlipper for a preview!
Very Exclamation!
> …nsures ProcedureNotUsedInspection accounts for @Ignore annotations
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] build for commit b3613d21 on unknown branch: AppVeyor build succeeded
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] retailcoder pushed commit b3613d21 to next: Fixes #1162; also fixes broken resx keys in inspections window, and ensures ProcedureNotUsedInspection accounts for @Ignore annotations
Merge pull request #1163 from retailcoder/CodeExplorer

Fixes #1162; also fixes broken resx keys in inspections window, and e…
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] build for commit 640644af on next: AppVeyor build succeeded
1 hour later…
5:52 AM
[Hosch250/Rubberduck] retailcoder pushed commit a8bddf18 to BugBlipper: added debug timer for resolver tasks
[Hosch250/Rubberduck] retailcoder pushed commit 5ee6467b to BugBlipper: fixed multiline parameter inspection
[Hosch250/Rubberduck] retailcoder pushed commit 75034e38 to BugBlipper: Multiple resolver and parser/parser state fixes, ExcelObjectModel, and inspections fixes, fixes #1157
Merge pull request #1159 from retailcoder/CodeExplorer

More resolver fixes
[Hosch250/Rubberduck] retailcoder pushed commit b3613d21 to BugBlipper: Fixes #1162; also fixes broken resx keys in inspections window, and ensures ProcedureNotUsedInspection accounts for @Ignore annotations
Merge pull request #1163 from retailcoder/CodeExplorer

Fixes #1162; also fixes broken resx keys in inspections window, and e…
[Hosch250/Rubberduck] Hosch250 pushed commit b057f2da to BugBlipper: Merge branch 'next' of github.com/rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck into BugBlipper
6:18 AM
> Resolver performance is simply atrocious.

> Resolving 'fnTypePri'...
Resolving 'vbFnPivotTablePri'...
Resolving 'fnEnumPri'...
'fnEnumPri' is Ready. Resolver took 2506ms to complete.
Resolving 'Sheet1'...
Resolving 'vbFnPivotItemPri'...
'Sheet1' is Ready. Resolver took 1787ms to complete.
Resolving 'fnRegEx'...
Resolving 'vbXlPivotItemPri'...
Resolving 'vbXlPivotAxisPri'...
Resolving 'vbXlPivotFieldPri'...
Resolving 'vbVBAAllPri'...
Resolving 'vbXlRangePri'...
Resolving 'fnTool
[retailcoder/Rubberduck] retailcoder pushed commit 83e74bd4 to CodeExplorer: fixed FindAllReferencesCommand to not only search user declarations
[retailcoder/Rubberduck] retailcoder pushed commit de4fb119 to CodeExplorer: fixes #1161 (does not address performance)
> As for the code inspections... indeed, they take a while to show up - and the *busy indicator* isn't displayed during that time, which is a problem. However performance isn't too bad, given...

~1500 issues found. "takes a little while"
false positives: none
oh wait
oh shit
If Not TypeOf SearchRange Is Excel.Range Then
^^ trips implicit reference to activesheet
6:33 AM
> This code trips the "implicit reference to ActiveSheet" inspection, but shouldn't:

If Not TypeOf SearchRange Is Excel.Range Then

Whatever follows the `Is` keyword is a *type*.
something's fishy
Find all refs isn't working as it should
[retailcoder/Rubberduck] retailcoder pushed commit 89807b53 to CodeExplorer: fixed & clarified FindAllReferencesCommand
6:51 AM
damn, I'm about to disable the "non-returning function or property getter" inspection.
oh wait
 Exception thrown resolving 'Module1': System.InvalidOperationException: Sequence contains more than one matching element
3 hours later…
9:42 AM
> Source code : [https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa243377(v=vs.60).aspx](https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa243377(v=vs.60).aspx)

If you run this code

Type Record ' Define user-defined type.
ID As Integer
Name As String * 20
End Type

Private Function test()
Dim MyRecord As Record, Position ' Declare variables.
' Open sample file for random access.
Open "TESTFILE" For Random As #1 Len = Len(MyRecord)
' Read the sample file using
3 hours later…
12:36 PM
Q: Excel Retrieving Data from website through IT

RaystafarianI took a look at Speed up processing between VBA and IE, but I didn't see anything that addressed the speeding up of the retrieval of information via IE. Since MS got rid of the stock retrieval database (MSN Money), there wasn't an easy way to get current stock prices. From what I gather, there...

3 hours later…
3:31 PM
> Thanks for the feedback! I'll test it tonight, but I'm 99.99% sure these grammar/parser issues are fixed in the latest build already.
3:50 PM
> The code used in #1161 has about 20 modules of reasonable size; parsing completes in an *acceptable* amount of time (given all the attached listeners and everything that's going on during that phase), but resolving completes in just below 20 minutes, at least on my machine.

There *has* to be a way to improve this *dramatically*. The resolver does *lots* of work, but it's constantly iterating all `Declaration` objects to find a declaration for every single identifier reference is comes acros
1 hour later…
5:03 PM
5:21 PM
Goes to regional settings, changes list separator character to a | pipe, breaks all VBA macros.Mat's Mug 45 secs ago
1 hour later…
6:35 PM
> Thank you for fixing this. The comments part was my fault, sorry about that.
6:46 PM
> hey no problem. the lack of unit tests to catch this, is entirely on me!
6:59 PM
> Just installed the latest version and I'm getting a HRESULT E_FAIL popup window when VBA starts.
Windows 7 64 Enterprise
Access 2013
7:11 PM
> 32 or 64 bit Office?

Are you local admin? If not, did you follow install instructions for non-admin users ([see here](https://github.com/rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck/wiki/Installing#installing-for-non-admin-users))?

Is the popup from the VBE or from Rubberduck? Can you post a screenshot?
> @Pitterling would you allow us to use your code in integration tests in rubberduck?

@retailcoder I was thinking of adding a new "integration test project" that to begin with has a "grammar validity" test that simply parses as much real world code (that is stored in files in a folder somewhere) as possible and reports any errors (and perhaps even compares the parsed text to the original, which should match 100% since we don't want to lose any information).
Same goes for the preprocessor. We
> Just tested it using the latest grammar and they both work fine.
JavaFX is a rather problematic UI framework...
- Encapsulated JavaFX madness into separate View-Classes
- Completely overhauled Communication to the JavaFX Controllers
- Commented out checks and UI for Overview to check it works at all
[Vogel612/TranslationHelper]‌​ Vogel612 pushed commit 714f7d07 to develop: Added Translation View, Separated Dependency Injection into utility-class, adjusted names
7:48 PM
> Awesome, thanks @autoboosh!
[Vogel612/TranslationHelper]‌​ Vogel612 pushed commit 00f8654a to develop: Added basic eventListeners to JFXTranslationController, added updates for table in Overview
> How deeply can you modify the `Declaration`-container? You may be able to drastically reduce search-space (and time) by using a prefix-tree or a similar datastructure to store and retrieve the declarations.

That should get you to something between a quarter and a tenth of the runtime...
8:14 PM
> @Vogel612 right now the resolver is receiving an `IReadOnlyList<Declaration>` in its constructor, and then proceeds to "pre-filter" *some* of them:

_scopingDeclarations = _declarations.Where(item =>
&& item.Project == _qualifiedModuleName.Project
&& item.ComponentName == _qualifiedModuleName.ComponentName).ToList();

_parentDeclarations = _declarations.Where(item =>
@Mat'sMug a Prefix-Tree is optimized for searching strings by their prefixes.
that should give it a huge speedboost over pre-filtered list if you search by identifier name
problem is, identifiers are not unique
don't need to be
you can store a Collection behind an Identifier
how would that work?
    (declaration.DeclarationType == DeclarationType.Class
    || declaration.DeclarationType == DeclarationType.UserDefinedType)).First();
8:18 PM
I see.. except .First() is not allowed to be used in the resolver ;-)
make it FirstOrDefault then
or does it have to be Single?
it has a few drawbacks...
if it's not resolving to one single result, it's not resolving. I can't just pick one at random ;-)
you'll probably have to write that datastructure yourself
8:19 PM
[Vogel612/TranslationHelper] build for commit 714f7d07 on develop: The Travis CI build passed
> Truth is, the whole class is a freakin' 1200-liner mess that needs to be refactored. Badly.
I'm 80% sure I've written multiple methods that do the same thing, in different contexts.
I need to OOP-timize it.
@Mat'sMug I need some quick advice...
I'm writing on a review for java.
and OP hasn't even gotten close to something called OOP
can I expect them to know what pure functions are?
what's a pure function anyway?
8:29 PM
something that has no side-effects and no state
sounds like CS theory
you could refer to it as such
I may be making some overstatements, but...
> Let's get this straight: The **ideal** object-oriented project has **nothing**, I repeat **NOTHING** in `static` scope, that's data.
You should avoid static like the plague, unless you're implementing pure functions (methods without state or side-effects).
the Holy Truth. reminds me of this one:
A: Business with dbcontext and static class

Mat's Mug What is wrong with using static class like the one below? For one thing, your class isn't static, which means your client code can create an instance of it... which would make no sense at all. Before the advent of static classes, you would prevent instantiation by sealing the class and prov...

it's related...
in my case the problem is that OP has obviously never heard of encapsulation, indentation or instances :/
8:34 PM
the code is a complete mess.. it's all over the place
there is a class, and it's name starts with Get_
sounds like a VBA coder
absolutely everything is static...
kudos for consistency?
I'm not even kidding... I think I found two exceptions...
one where it's necessitated by extending Application and once it might be pure chance
showException takes no parameters and creates an instance of an exception with a detail message, just to go and print the stacktrace into a String using a PrintWriter....
smdh, the only thing I can reasonably tell them without getting offensive is basically "You're doing it all wrong... please go back to start and try again after reading a basic tutorial"
imagine OP is the cutest girl in the class. how do you tell her?
8:42 PM
[Vogel612/TranslationHelper] build for commit 00f8654a on develop: The Travis CI build passed
@Mat'sMug the cutest girl in class confused me for a week, with some rather very mixed signals and shot me down today... Also she knows about encapsulation ...
sorry to hear that
Eh she has a fiancée, I should've seen it coming
those botched is in headings tick me off
where's that post anyway?
Q: Tracking Containers in a Train Station

Diego BarrenaThis is a time line for control over the events of some containers in a train station. It gets all the data to build the time line by getting a JSON from a database via REST service. The app resets every minute to refresh the results and every dot representing a container has some info in a tool...

8:50 PM
that's a lot of code for a train wreck
it's a frigging huge trainwreck
9:02 PM
9:18 PM
@Rubberduck203 @mfeathers @eventbrite #jealous
9:33 PM
@Vogel612 Be like Sherlock Holmes and don't get involved with romance.
10:00 PM
vogel612 your translation project is in swing right? ever worked with javafx before?
currently working on porting it over
lots of headscratching and hitting my head against the wall
what's it like though, similar to WPF?
I don't know what WPF is like
I'm not deep into C#
ah I see
but there's an XML dialect for defining the GUI right?
yea there is
10:05 PM
want some help? :P I'm supposed to start a new project with JavaFX soon and have no idea what the hell it is
I've done the fxml parts anyways
it did cost me something like 8 hours or so, but I've got it in a structure that's not completely retarded for what I want
I like that. "fuxemel"
yeah just like WIX
ah ok, I'll have a look at what you've done then :p
any good tutorials or books you read?
10:16 PM
we should start a VBA consultancy
charge a premium to go to firms and clean up their VBA mess and replace it with OOP or whatever
yeah.. let's get Extract Class to work first ok? :-)
yes yes :P cya
@Mat'sMug @RubberDuck What do you think about docked toolbars instead of drag/drop?
I could do drag/drop, but it would be a lot more complex to both do it and get a good UI on the thing than to just use toolbars.
Also, toolbars would match all the other controls.
Basic, unstyled implementation.
Call me annoying, but I'd go with a LinkButton there ;-)
A toolbar with 1 button isn't really a toolbar right
And the inspection results window has LinkButtons so it's not too alien :-)
Or not
Needs a context menu too
10:43 PM
@awgaya If I was gonna do that, I'd replace it all with .Net
@Hosch250 your call. Do what feels right.
11:01 PM
11:45 PM
@Mat'sMug But the next one down will have two.
Publish and Delete.
And I might as well put Merge and View History in.
Merge will open the Merge command with the active branch as the target and the selected branch as the source.
Just got back from driving.
And finally, @Mat'sMug, the link buttons in the Inspections window are in a bar at the bottom of the window, not above the grid.
Personally, I would love to go with a context menu, but I'm not sure it is clear enough for the users.
One alternative would be to load the items into the context menu when it is opened...

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