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[retailcoder/Rubberduck] 4 commits. 1 opened issue. 1 closed issue. 9 issue comments.
[Zomis/GithubHookSEChatService] 15 commits. 1 opened issue. 2 closed issues. 1 issue comment.
Moahahaha! I beat you today, @RubberDuck @Mat'sMug!
@RubberDuck Let's just fix the code explorer to refresh on load and ship it then! :)
(still in meeting... starting to see stars)
@SimonAndréForsberg Eh, wanna compare traffic figures? ;)
@Mat'sMug Sure, let me just count the number of messages @Duga has posted in chat ;)
Lol. Let's count the number of notifications @Duga has gotten from chat.
Okay @Mat'sMug sounds like a plan. Should be the same fix as the Todo Explorer. Easy peasy lemon squeezy.
If I can find ten damn minutes to write some code.
Cool. I'm heading home... starving
'night @SimonAndréForsberg! (assuming you're heading to bed soon!)
@Mat'sMug indeed right, was just thinking about it.
Night @SimonAndréForsberg.
> 47 downloads. Same as 1.1
So, we can assume everyone has upgraded. A handful didn't care to, and we have a few new users.
@RubberDuck What's that?
Can't zoom, too small on phone!
1.2 was a big improvement. 1.3 will be ... I don't want to even imagine what it will be if we implement everything we have for 1.3...
Yeah. That's #Rubberduck in a Japanesse version of Office. More importantly, it's a 64 bit version of Office. http://t.co/szp8OnVJvm
Lol. It's confetti.
Source Control. Integrated Source Control. The VBE becomes a professional environment with 1.3.
And if refactor/rename actually happens.... the world will never be the same!
Blog post title for it:
> How Hungarian Notation Died
@RubberDuck and that @wqw guy gave me an idea: a regex search & replace would be nice too!
Best part is that we don't even need the parser for it ;)
I'm willing to bet that's how MZ Tools implemented theirs.
Ok bad... bad news
@RubberDuck my laptop just died on me
I was booting, then I logged on, started visual studio (didn't get to the usual UAC prompt), right-clicked Chrome, ...and black-out. Fried. No response to anything. Dead.
My only chance to get anything done for 1.21 is....... to download the source onto my work laptop. But I have 32-bit Office.
And there's no way I'm swapping my Office install on that machine
I get up to unplug it...
... it's not plugged.
7 hours ago, by Phrancis
<---- I'll just point to my icon now
@Phrancis it's one of these moments...
@Mat'sMug Why did you unplug your laptop Glad you found the problem!
installed Wix Designer
huh, it's a 7-day trial?
commercial use
I'll try the trial
2 hours later…
don't get excited, I can't get it to register.. and I can't get it to not try to register either. I don't know what I'm doing!
and it's already tomorrow and I need to sleep
3 hours later…
> Downloading ReSharper9
> Installing ReSharper
Monking @Phrancis.
> Restarting Visual Studio
So many menus!
Ohhhhhh I like this.
> cleaned up gitprovider
ReSharper has already taught me things I didn't know.
This is absolutely awesome.
Let's see if I can't kill an issue in the next 30 minutes.
> Branch 1.21

Everything seems to be created and registered properly, but the click event never fires.
Must fix.
@RubberDuck try Ctrl+T for a "oh where were you all this time!" moment
And make sure you turn on solution-wide analysis (bottom-right corner)
Will do @Mat'sMug!
Ducky likes his new toy!
@RubberDuck I knew you would! ;)
@retailcoder I'm glad to here that, and thank you for your reading. I will try it and write a new review! Rubberduck is very cool. Cheers!
I wonder how many of them are coming from the other side of the globe.
I'll be gone for a bit. I've got some RL stuff today.
1.3 will take the world over!
3 hours later…
To add some context, the query is going to pull users that are only from a certain group of sellers. The data that tells you if they are a part of that group lives in another database DB2 and the lookup index is actually buried in a field that has a value like this: "O:123456" so we first have to look for the records with the right letter before the : and then take the index from the part after the : — Brian T Hannan 24 mins ago
@Mat'sMug Looks like you're not the only one stuck with a crappy string-based database structure :D
@Mat'sMug Is this being mean or just being realistic? ^^
@Phrancis A little. You have a suggestion to fix it?
A: How do I optimize this sql query that takes forever?

PhrancisToo many string functions! Based on your comment I think there would be some ways to reduce string functions to speed up this case statement. To add some context, the query is going to pull users that are only from a certain group of sellers. The data that tells you if they are a part o...

I mellowed it a little bit. I feel sure that a null check with string wildcards would be faster, but... damn that case statement is a mess
I think it belongs in a CTE
That way all rows would have their value computer when the join is made. I'm sure it'd run faster.
Well a CTE wouldn't run any faster than a subquery, it'd just read better. But the EU doesn't seem to even know what a CTE is
Now, maybe shoving all this stuff in a view or temp table would work better?
it would be faster, because there's no subquery - the CASE WHEN is in the join...
Oh I got you now
Well it's SO, feel free to downvote if you think my answer sucks ;D
@Phrancis well it's SO, ...I posted a competing answer ;)
A: How do I optimize this sql query that takes forever?

Mat's MugI'll go with gut-feeling here: INNER JOIN DB2..table4 (NOLOCK) ON CASE WHEN CHARINDEX(':', table2_batch.reference_number, 3) > 3 THEN SUBSTRING(table2_batch.reference_number, 3, CHARINDEX(':', table2_batch.reference_number, 3) -3 ) ...

I was mostly hoping that the OP would realize just how weird what they are doing is by explaining it in plain English. I would wager that they didn't write that but rather it got "dumped" in their lap
My life is so much easier now that I've adopted comma-first style :)
I found it weird at first, until I tried it
and we just both got downvoted
@downvoter: care to answer yourself? or comment, at least? — Mat's Mug 28 secs ago
damn you SO
There is no information here that's necessary to help you. This has zero chance of receiving a useful answer. The existing answers just received a -1 from me because they are random guesses. Who knows what element of this query is slow?! Noone can. To help you resolve the problem: Learn about query tuning in general or post a lot more information (query plan, schema, ...). — usr 4 mins ago
random guess, indeed. but I'm pretty damn confident about it.
What other choice would we have? We don't have access to the DB and OP did not provide any information other than the code
and that usr guy has 80K+ rep
I just tried this and I got this error: "Conversion failed when converting the varchar value '3583355:3807567' to data type int." — Brian T Hannan 50 mins ago
@usr when has a case when and a useless cast ever been beneficial to performance in an on clause? — Mat's Mug 6 secs ago
You did not mention that the data before the colon can be something other than a single letter. Let me see if I can make this work using sql fiddle... — Phrancis 2 mins ago
9 mins ago, by Mat's Mug
damn you SO
he has a point there, in theory
@Mat'sMug who knows if that join is even important? The joined tables might consist of zero rows. 99.9999% of the time could be spent elsewhere. Noone knows anything. I have tuned 100s of queries and I don't have any idea what's slow here. You cannot tell from the query alone, ever.usr 1 min ago
@Mat'sMug Here try this: sqlfiddle.com/#!6/6f9e2/5
(just a replication of the case statement with some data)
@Mat'sMug Actually, this behaves funny!
Funny thing is, this would be so much easier without using SQL.
@Phrancis objects, right? ;)
Hell, even Excel would do a better job
"Text to columns"
I can't get it to work correctly without using your string function code. Sorry I'll delete my answer now. — Phrancis 9 secs ago
I should know better than to answer stuff on SO.
> Public Const timerStart = 6 ' five seconds
2 + 2 = 4  // five
#define 4 5
@nhgrif missing // happy debugging suckers! ;)
That's reserved for this one:
#define true false // happy debugging suckers!
#define if while // looooool
@Phrancis I have BucketString for that ;)
ALTER function [dbo].[BucketString] (
	@values varchar(max),
	@bucketSize int,
	@bufferSize int = 1,
	@offset int = 0)

returns @result table (id int, item varchar(max))


	--declare @result table (id int, item varchar(max))

	--declare @values varchar(max)
	--set @values = '14.0 14.5 15.0 15.5 16.0 16.5 17.0 17.5 18.0 18.5 19.0 ODDS'

	--declare @bucketSize int
	--set @bucketSize = 4

	--declare @bufferSize int
	--set @bufferSize = 1

	--declare @offSet int
	--set @offset = 0

	declare @maxBuckets as int
Sure does take a lot of arguments.
actually, not exactly that.. it's actually for fixed-length strings
Why do you keep commented code in? Future reference?
debugging / testing
You shouldn't keep commented code in for future reference really... source control...
I don't have SC for my SQL stuff...
Oh, SQL, gotcha.
I don't source control SQL either.
actually that function is part of the ETL process I'm building on SSIS, which is under SC. I should save a .sql file out of it, and include it in the project.
...and then remove the commented-out code ;)
@Mat'sMug Yeah that's important, we all know code comments makes the code less efficient!
Bunch of funny guys around here today. =)
hey welcome back @ducky!
Hey guys! I'm actually working on bringing our SQL under SC. I'll let you know how that goes.
How well does diff work with SSIS Mug? I'm worried that it's a nightmare because the XML is generated.
I don't diff.. I'm just checkin in stuff so that it's not just on my laptop
I'm alone on it
Ahhh. Well... I'll let you know how it goes then.
Q: Login VBScript -- can it be improved?

Adam SmithI was tasked with re-writing a login VBScript we use on about 50 machines. The original script was hacked together by someone who clearly had no idea what they were doing (multiple lines that literally did nothing, including creating persistent shares, deleting them, then recreating them 4+ times...

> The original script was hacked together by someone who clearly had no idea what they were doing
So, my girlfriend said she saw something for $200 for a powershell certification course.
That seems ridiculous to me.
the day I really want to learn PS, I'll do like I did with C#: I'll buy a book and learn it inside out... no cert
(not that I know C# inside out... but hey)
I feel like I'm getting there-ish with Objective-C, sort of. I mean, I don't feel like I know every part of the framework inside and out (a lot of it though, maybe most)... but I do feel like I have a pretty exact understanding of how exactly the language works.
that's a good feeling to have!
Neither of you posted answers... just quick notes...
Const STORE_NUMBER = "29"
why is that a string?
And given:
Const NUM_REGS = 3
Why this:
If NUM_REGS >= 1 Then
If NUM_REGS >= 2 Then
Does Const mean something different in VBScript?
@nhgrif yeah, ...trying to get a bit of bread-and-butter-paying work done here ;)
those are all good questions
A: Login VBScript -- can it be improved?

nhgrifI don't know vbscript even in the slightest, so this review is going to use the Socratic method. Const STORE_NUMBER = "29" Why is a variable with the word "NUMBER" in the name of the variable actually a string? Should this be an integer? Given: Const NUM_REGS = 3 Why are we bother...

1 hour later…
Q: Login using VBScript (follow-up)

Adam SmithI previously asked about a login script using VBScript, being a Python programmer with literally no experience in VBS. I took those suggestions to heart, and would like to submit the result for further review. Specifically: am I repeating myself in the class definition? Do I really have to decla...

> AdamSmith: You likely did not get much feedback because (1) there are not that many active VBScript programmers these days and (2) your code is pretty good. – Eric Lippert
I thought Lippert was a C# guy
He's a .NET guy?
Guess I don't really know the difference lol
> During his sixteen years at Microsoft he was a developer of the Visual Basic, VBScript, JScript and C# compilers and a member of the C# language design committee;

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