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@Ankoganit great surface btw
thanks :)
@msh210 agh, considered that too but didn't occur to me that round = about >_<
youd think there'd be many -ist words synonymous with "server"... well not according to thesaurus.com and mw
starting to think maybe prison escapee is the def
Q: Making two fair dice

Dmitry KamenetskyYou are given two empty standard 6-sided dice. Can you write every number from 1 to 12 on the dice, such that in any given throw there is a 50% chance of the first die being smaller than the second die?

same on both counts
"skp" isn't a particularly common letter combination
why is it called escapee btw? -ee words usually refer to the target of the action (an employee is the person being employed), whereas an escapee is the one doing the escaping
so you're saying that "escapee" should refer to the prison
in which case it must be a ddef
The following is a list of historically famous prison escapes, and of people who escaped multiple times: == Famous historical escapes == There have been many infamous escapes throughout history: === 13th century === In 1244, whilst imprisoned in the Tower of London, Gruffydd ap Llywelyn Fawr crafted a makeshift rope made of bed sheets and cloths, lowered it, and climbed down. However, because he was heavy, the rope broke and he fell to his death. === 17th century === In 1621 Dutch author Hugo de Groot escaped from Loevestein Castle, where he was held captive, by hiding himself inside ...
surprisingly short list by wikipedia standards
no 7-letter names starting with T that i can see
3 hours later…
holy cow i got a mathematics tag badge
not the rarest of badges apparently, 72 awarded
for comparison, [riddle] has been awarded 97 times
1 hour later…
that's nice :D
2 hours later…
well done!
(72 people have bronze-Mathematics. 11 have silver-Mathematics. 4 have gold-Mathematics: me and hexomino -- apparently awarded at the same time, which is a bit weird --, Rand, and Jaap.)
@Jafe The -ee is (?obviously?) originally a French e-acute past participle. Usually in English "escape" is used intransitively, so I guess it's reasonable for an "escapee" = "escaped" to mean "one who has escaped" rather than "one who is escaped-from". (I agree it's a bit weird.)
There are also things like "refugee" (person taking or seeking refuge) which I think comes directly from modern French by converting e-acute into ee rather than being formed within English by analogy with all the old legal -or/-ee pairs where the -or does something to the -ee.
ah right that makes sense
like how the english -ed also means both things (the employed worker, the escaped convict)
Q: Making three fair dice

Dmitry KamenetskyYou are given three unlabelled standard 6-sided dice. Can you write every number from 1 to 18 on the dice, such that in any given throw each die has the same chance of being the highest? Here is a simpler version of the problem with two dice: Making two fair dice

Could "your server" be something like a server that Stack Exchange uses?
(though I think it's unlikely)
C4 hint: The answer is the surname of someone who's been in the news of late (including today).
mr badcock is on the run here in queensland... there's a name with some wordplay opportunities
@Jafe I wouldn't attempt wordplay with that name. I'd probably, um, mess it up.
That article says a fellow named Mene is still on the run. He must surely see the writing on the wall.
(i misspoke though, badcock's since been caught)
crickets Where's Gareth when you need him?
Q: Santa and the candies

Mario valleSanta has nine candies, and decides to distribute them all among five children: Alfred, Brianna, Chiara, Davide, and Eisuke. Santa says to the kids, "I am giving you nine candies. Two of you are liars, damned liars, and liars will receive only one candy each. The other three of you are truthtelle...

@msh210 I appreciated that :) well done
@Rubio oh, thank you!
(I got that as well fwiw)
I guess my assumption that the crickets were due to lack of understanding was false: they were in fact due to lack of funniness. Oh, well.
@msh210 Hi! Can you please unfreeze this room?
Long live msh210 :) Thanks
1 hour later…
openletter.mousetail.nl - for those who have missed the drama
@msh210 ((dw, i giggled to myself a bit after reading the joke))
4 hours later…
(by the way, consider the petition signed by me in spirit, I simply refuse to make an SO account so I can't visibly sign)
1 hour later…
@GarethMcCaughan I've noticed the simultaneous awards tend to occur when the tag finally has enough questions to qualify as eligible for badges of that particular level. For instance, despite having 20+ connect-wall answers and 100+ points for a while, I didn't get the connect-wall bronze badge until 100 connect-wall questions had been asked and the tag itself became eligible for bronze badges.
The day you and hex both got the gold mathematics badge was probably the day of the (e.g.) 2000th mathematics question on the site (if it is 2000 questions at which tags first become eligible for gold badges - can't find a source for the exact figure).
(Apologies if you already know this!)
2 hours later…
Ah, of course!
@msh210 I wasn't around when you wrote that; sorry. But I did immediately get the joke when I saw it :-).
Q: Is Sumplete always analytically solvable?

d-bI am stuck here at Sumplete. I have tried looking for numbers that must be used/must not be used using https://combinationsumcalculator.com/ and all of them are either not used in all combinations (when I try to achieve a value by adding) or used at least in one combination when I sum the whole ...

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