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@robjohn hi sir sorry for inviting you without notice Actually I missed my complex variable class can u please help me in getting understanding a small part of notes that i have
why is arg z is single-valued here not defined on real axsis
it never says that
First of all, Arg(z) is the single-valued fuinction
and it is discontinuous on the negative real axis
nowhere does it mention "not defined"
why what?
give me a second sir
I don't know what you are asking "why" about
Why is Arg single valued, or why is it discontinuous
if mod of z a complex is greater than zero then x/modz nd y/mod z
It is single valued because it is defined that way, it is discontinuous because its limit on the negative real axis is $+\pi$ from one direction and $-\pi$ from the other
both lie between 1,-1
what? neither of those last two statements make any sense with the given question.
are you mixing up modulo operator on integers with the modulus of a complex number?
I have to go for a couple of hours, I'll be back later
@robjohn yes
sorry i got ur point one more thing sir can i post my few more uestion here
2 hours later…
In the next he say replace 1/3 by 1/4 and 1/5, 1/6, 1/7, by 1/8
Sir can u guide why is it so?
So original question is 1+1/2+1/3+......... Diverges
3 hours later…
@JackRod Sorry, I was gone a bit longer.
This is gone over in many places, here for instance.
There, each term is replaced by a smaller term in red and the smaller series can be seen to diverge.
Ping me, if this still does not make sense.

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