@mechanodroid Although I agree that the answer you linked to is also borderline (and that one could not give it as an example in class), I also think that the original question is not a great question to be asking (and is somewhat there for the sake of entertainment, except for a few good honest answers it got). I think the main issue that arose with Andrea's answer is not present. Namely, it seems to me that "relation" is innocuous when it comes to gender or any other aspect of sexuality.
10 hours later…
On the other hand, I'm still a bit puzzled though why would a community manager remove my comment, yet allow this subsequent discussion about it.
There is a concerning possibility that it happened because of the questionable phrase I quoted from the linked answer. It would of course be absurd to censor the phrase in a chatroom comment, and yet simultaneously allow the answer itself to stand and acquire over 300 upvotes. If that were the case, I would certainly flag the answer at the very least, and probably create a post on MSE meta describing the situation.
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Jan '237
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