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Merry Golfmas!
Q: Announcing Advent of Code Golf 2022! (+ Event challenge sandbox)

BubblerFollowing last year's event, we're doing Advent of Code Golf 2022! On each day between Dec 1st and Dec 25th (inclusive), a new challenge will be posted at UTC midnight1. It is a free-for-all and just-have-fun-by-participation event, no leaderboards and no prizes for solving them fast or solving t...

confession: i dont actually understand the chocolate pyramid
i presume it makes sense to everyone else and it seems well written enough
but i just cant visualize it XD
oh lol
at the same time itd be a bit silly to ask you to like, make a gif or something :?
no gif but I can just give away pseudocode if you want
unrelated but challenge idea i had:
santa has infinite gifts and coal arranged in a repeating pattern, and needs to deliver to an infinite repeating grid of naughty and nice children; given the pattern for the gifts and the pattern for the grid, is there a way for santa to deliver the right present/coal without visiting/passing the same house twice, and always delivering from the top of his gift bag thing (i.e. following the gift pattern)?
@Bubbler that might help but no pressure, it seems out of my depth to try it anyway :P
@thejonymyster issue being that idk if this is decidable :P
@thejonymyster If what I understood is correct, I think it's solvable and interesting
From all possible start positions, extend out BFS following the rules. If you ever find a path that is N gift cycles long and lets you step on the same house on a different "tile", the answer is true. Otherwise the search will end in finite time (i.e. the BFS queue is empty) and the answer is false.
oh sorry lemme read what you sent
For your example, RDL and then DDD will form two cycles and you're back to the starting point on a different tile, so the answer is true
ah ok i see
right i forgot i actually had a previous version of the question, where you had to deliver to "all" of the houses;
i reckon that's much harder / impossible, right?
(if it's even well defined)
visiting all house is probably impossible to solve
ok ill draft up the solvable version then :P
10 hours later…
why dont we reuse AoC challenges again?
id love to see some of last years
5 hours later…
Challenge idea: Santa sorts his gifts (coal or whatever) in a special way. He "uninterleaves" the pile of presents into smaller sub-piles until each sub-pile consists of only 0s or 1s. Output the maximum number of uninterleavings that Santa had to do.
(would be 4)
prob a dupe :/

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