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2:32 PM
@OnBreak. You're right, of course. If you love doing it, then time spent doing it is not subtracted but added to your life ;-) (wasn't that an Ansel Adams quote?). I suppose the main reason I spend less time on it is that I don't love post-editing as much as some others do.
4 hours later…
6:48 PM
@gerrit One doesn't have to spend large amounts of time editing each image individually to get a benefit from using raw files. I shoot a lot of night sports under lights with "different" color profiles and tints. Using raw allows more precision in adjusting for each set of lights idiosyncrasies than adjusting in-camera settings allows. Once I've got a "recipe" for a specific location, I can batch apply it to thousands of frames in a few seconds.
6:59 PM
@gerrit Please see this answer for a more detailed description of using raw files to get better and more precise color correction that can then be batch applied to large numbers of files.

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