@AJHenderson I'm looking for a solution for field situations. WiFi to mobile would be nice. USB to mobile might work too.
Samsung has got a Remote Viewfinder solution. I wonder if it works only for cameras made by Samsung.
[By the way, would this inquiry about remote viewfinder options make a good enough question for the Photo.SE main board?]
2 hours later…
Folks, would this question be on-topic for Photo.SE? Our EE.SE folks are close-voting it as off-topic (for the right reasons).
1 hour later…
@NickAlexeev While we have had some questions about remote viewfinders/monitors (such as the one you linked), seems to me Video Production would be a more natural fit, especially since your intended use case appears to be video. @AJHenderson mods both, maybe he can opine on the best place for your question.
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