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Stefano, do you have some spare time?
not at the moment,
I'll ping you in a few minutes
@AmithKK what's up? :-)
Can Victory chat use OpenID?
nope, not yet
I might implement it in the future
Yeah, i have a friend whose building SE OpenSource
he thinks your chat is rad
heh, I just did that
@StefanoPalazzo ?
building a stackoverflow-clone I mean. I started this morning
@StefanoPalazzo Would ya like to join us?
/me waits patiently for reply
well, I'm pretty much done
the only things left to implement are editing answers and, uhm
something else, I forget :)
oh, flagging and deleting posts
Can i be a mod on that?
I don't plan to make a real site of it,
it was just a programming challenge
I can show it to you after I've cleaned up the database
So.. could you lend it to us
ill give you utmost credit
well, I'll have to package it first, make it usable
:D i can wait a decade for this awesomeness.. take your time :D
it uses my own database and has a few dependencies, so it's not easy to install. but I'll put it on google code later and you can do whatever you like :)
You are Awesome
@StefanoPalazzo Wait.. it uses python ,right?
there it is. I'll leave it running for a few minutes. Feel free to mess around as much as you like
try to break it, even :)
ok yay
oh, lol. I forgot to make buttons for voting up and down :P
@StefanoPalazzo right
and also no rep?
it's only shown on the users profile page
and it's always zero, due to there being no upvote buttons
@StefanoPalazzo Why dont i get the cute victorychat @
when i download from git?
what do you mean?
there's notifyable diff's
oh yeah,
there were some things that broke when we put it up on the internet
like the medium-weight ubuntu font
I'm guessing anyone using it will change the style anyway
not only that
also the colours and ping
what's different about the ping?
Oh sorry
1 hour later…
@StefanoPalazzo it doesent run on a mac
@AmithKK what's the error message?
File "", line 87
self.sessions |= {key}
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
(I'm done with upvotes and reputation, by the way. just editing answers now)
@AmithKK that's caused by the version of python being too old
how can i fix
which version of python are you using?
@StefanoPalazzo what is your gmail
there are a bunch of them, you can type "python --version" to find out
ah. yeah that's too old I'm afraid. It's probably the Set Comprehensions that fail, they were only introduced in 2.7
so you've got to install >= 2.7. I'm not sure how to do that on a mac
the q&a site only runs on python >= 3.2 as well. I'm not keen on supporting old versions, when I'm just playing around
@StefanoPalazzo Answer your invite
huh, there it is
what's wrong with the SE chat?
@StefanoPalazzo he's banned

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