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7:41 AM
On an unrelated notice, this guy continues to amaze me. He continues to produce high quality characters puppets quite quickly.
8:05 AM
That reminds me of Doctor Puppet, which I now want to go binge.
8:25 AM
I am just sad that some of those puppets will probably never get a game
3 hours later…
11:14 AM
.... been watching a few Youtube commentary videos about what people would want to change about Animal Crossing. Was quite surprised no one mentioned the thing I always wanted removed: the real time watch :P.
I prefer the Harvest Moon style, I guess.
12:02 PM
I think the real time element is the main thing that attracts me to Animal Crossing as compared to say, the main game I play that is any way similar to it
Which is Stardew Valley
in which, I think, the main reason I stopped playing Stardew Valley is that I feel not only have I accomplished most of what I can, but it started to feel like I was playing it a lot every day and doing the same thing, and just advancing time by going to bed so I could do it all over again immediately
although there is definitely the element of possibly being able to visit freinds islands if/when I ever get a switch and pick the game up XD
1:01 PM
@trogdor heck yes come visit lol
@Derpy the real time thing has always been a key element of what makes Animal Crossing itself, from the very first game. If you took that out it wouldnt be Animal Crossing anymore.
It's meant to be played over a long period of time, not raced through.
2:17 PM
I know - I follow the series from its Gamecube debut. The problem is that it also creates the annoying side-effect that for the full experience it **has** to be played at **specific** times. I still remember the wonderful idea of having mushrooms only be available.... between 8am to 9am in the original Gamecube game.
The game being tied to the clock, sure, it brings the factor of waiting for an event, but if the event is too specifically dated / time framed, it also brings the annoyance of "what if I can't play that day?"
To be honest, some mechanics have indeed improved on that front. Back in the GC era, an even like the Horizon egg hunt would probably have been available only for a day, asking you to spend your evening desperately hunting the rabbit like we used to do for Halloween or Toy Day.
yet, some thing are still a little too much time framed for the little time I get ;_;
So basically, I am not criticizing the game. I am only saying that for the time I get to play, an Animal Crossing Meets Dragonquest Builders game would be better (for me, that is). And that I am quite surprised I didn't see as many other gamers in my situation as I expected.
@Derpy I think you can just change the time to reach these narrow windows...not ideal of course, I get that
@AndrasDeak yep, but if you have to time travel to reach the time you need, it kinda take away the "real clock thing" that was the "problem" (again, just if you can't play the game as much as it expects) in the first place.
In a way AC puts you in a weird situation. It is kinda like playing an offline morpg. You have to log to take part in the timed exclusive Zipper Bunny Eggs raid to get the rare items.... but there is no party, there is no guild, there is little to no other players - it is just you having to play at that time.
Again, I repeat, that probably is more of a problem I have - but I kinda wonder if the game could work if it was less real time and more... Harvest Moon / Stardew Valley / Rune Factory / DQ Builders / etc
If you work during the week and you usually just play a little in the evening, you can as well call your city "Twilight Town" like that one from Paper Mario...
3:19 PM
@Derpy but that's the thing there are so many games like that already. Animal Crossing isn't supposed to be that. If you want that, there are lots of other games that do that.
@Derpy the events are now like...many days long. It's not that frantic.
All the other games you mention overwhelm me because it feels like they want me to do so much in so little time and it's impossible for me to prioritize. With Animal Crossing, I know I can take my time. It doesn't really expect anything of me. There is no story goal, no nothing. I can just...breathe.
And I say that as someone who works 11-7pm during the week.
Animal Crossing just might not be the game for you, if you want it to do that.
4:31 PM
Yep. And as you just said those other games have a story goal - while Animal Crossing is just "chilling out", but with the day/night cycle tied to the real world. In a way, No Man's Sky is similar - there is little "story" past the Atlas path, and in the end you can play just to jump from planet to planet, just without the game going on when you are not there, or finding your base full of bugs when you took a week off for any reason you may have.
But while wandering alone in the universe and realizing how insignificant we are in the infinity of space can be nice (hey, look, they basically invented the Total Perspective Vortex - no wonder that is also the name of the platinum trophy for the game), it not quite completely unlike tea hanging out in a city full of cute critters that seems to be pulled straight from Hello Kitty. I wish I could just do the same, with my times, when I have time.
Anyway, I think it is better to just agree to disagree on this one ^_^'
5:05 PM
well the genre looks a lot like something that is either great for you, or terrible
4 hours later…
8:39 PM
@Ash XD
bring your turnips
9:02 PM
@trogdor hey its the closest we would ever get to real life visits right now so you know
9:14 PM
well, I don't have the game or even a switch, and I probably won't until this whole thing is over, to be fair, but otherwise yes it would be great to visit in that way for sure

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