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12:55 AM
@Yuuki This is why games that put "let's play with morality" without "this game seriously considers morality" as a purpose make me nervous.
There's a game where you find out about halfway through that the fairly-innocuous things you've been doing so far in the game are, actually, horrifying in-game actions. And for the second half of the game you wrestle with what to do about it, how to understand your own actions, how to judge those you'd judged before.
It works, because that's explicitly what the game's about.
D&D's not about making ugly decisions then wrestling with what it means to be a person who made some ugly decisions.
And saying "we're just making this so that people can play that game if they like," but not providing it along with the "hey, if you choose to use this please be aware you probably need to think and talk about X, Y, Z ahead of time, and here's how to use this material responsibly..." is just, well, irresponsible.
@nitsua60 yeah. the BoED/BoEF/BoVD triad is all broken in that way
@Shalvenay Haven't seen any of them, just know them by reputation.
@nitsua60 yeah, my understanding is (thankfully) secondhand at best as well
8 hours later…
9:07 AM
A friend just named her rescue dog Sir Arthur Canine Doyle and I think this work of genius must be known to the world.

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