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I have a clothing item identification request.
There is a piece of clothing that is very popular in Steampunk cosplays. The lady in black, second from the left, is wearing it here. It consists of sleeves, covers the shoulders and (often) the collarbones, often has a collar, and probably also spans her upper back above her shoulder blades.
Women often wear it with a bustier beneath (but, well, female steampunk costumes often feature a bustier regardless), and a google search of "steampunk costume" will turn up a lot of costumes featuring it.
However I have no idea what this garment is called.
What is it?
(... is this mainsite material? on any SE?)
@BESW There is an Android version of Spacechem, I got it through a Humble Bundle. Actually, according to the Spacechem homepage, you can get it for Mac or Linux too
@doppelgreener Bolero jacket?
@Adeptus Gasp! This turns up leads! Does indeed to be a variant on the Bolero jacket.
7 hours later…
I'm working on a guest post, and will probably wind up being the one who also writes the about and such.
...how do I get that fancy preview link thing @Magician uses for his posts?
@BESW @Magician I think it would be super cool if I could get bumped to a priv level that allows me to see others' stuff before it gets published.
I get lost in the WP interface very easily.
Let me see if this does anything...
I've flagged my draft for review.
Apparently it's editor+ only.
And it looks like only Admins can shift ranks.
I enjoy using OpenLiveWriter to edit Wordpress posts, by the way, if you don't like the online editor.
Do not panic, I am back!
@eimyr, you are now an editor as well, enjoy.
@BESW That was an extension, I'll install it now.
@Magician I deleted the default "first post" post and put a short blurb in the About.
Ohhh, you can't add plugins on their free public thing you're not hosting. Bummer.
Should we make a separate chat room for this little project? I can imagine there being a lot of discussions happening occasionally that would be of little value to those uninvolved. Like picking out a visual theme.
Let's stick with the NAB for now and see if that's sufficient.
Very good
@Magician Oh, my! ...it's not that much different.
And about the graphical elements... do we have anything in mind?
@eimyr Power! Infinite power!
Just added a second post for review.
Having a custom banner would be nice.
Very much so.
19 messages moved from RPG General Chat
I could see your draft a second ago and now it's gone
I'm fiddling with widgets and whatnot atm
Once I mark something for review, it disappears from my drafts. Duly noted.
Hm. I'm not seeing anything to review...
Or, in fact, a place to review things.
@BESW How did you mark it for review?
I don't even see such an option
If you click the gear next to "New Draft" in the draft page (or the title of your draft if you've given it one) it'll give you some extra options.
just did it, disapperead
And you're both editors, so should be able to review things. Weird.
> Contributors will now have a new button. It acts as a counterpart to the “Publish” button that Authors (and above) get. The button says “Submit for Review.” It leverages a new post_status called “pending.” Pending posts show up as links above the Write Post screen for Editors and Administrators, along with the “nags” for your own drafts and others’ drafts. These links hooks into the new Manage Posts screen coming in WP 2.3 (and already on WP.com) that Mike Adams did such a good job creating.
Well, I found your posts
Hover the cursor over the My Sites thingo in top left corner, then click on WP Admin. Then choose Posts.
....The interface leaves much to be desired.
Yeah. It's... meta-interface of all your wordpress blogs, I think.
this thingo crashes my Firefox
@eimyr An unexpected functionality!
My Firefox is... sometimes a little resource heavy on the WordPress interface.
I'm not 100% certain how sidebar widgets will behave once we have actual content that takes up more than two lines. We'll see. Changing visual themes is easy enough.
@Magician I'll be glad to contribute as well.
@lisardggY Give me your wordpress username or an email.
It's lisardggy, apparently.
Created... 2008?!
Invite sent.
Ok, so. Poke me if you want the look changed, a sidebar added or something else. We do need a banner.
Actual content-wise, we should have a couple of posts out and a couple more on their way before publicizing it in any way.
@BESW Is a banner something you can do?
Give me the technical specs (dimensions, resolution, etc) and I can do that.
The concept of what goes into it will obviously evolve as we actually write stuff. But so far it seems to be a relatively short retelling of a past game that went wrong, with some thoughts as to why it did.
@BESW Current theme says 1088x300
do we have a preferred length?
@Magician If there's another format that folks would prefer, I'm open to that.
But again, I figure each author will probably have their own style.
@doppelgreener I've written two posts thus far; one is about making a character who couldn't share scenes with anyone else in the party. Doesn't have to be dramatic, just an "oops" you learned from.
@BESW oh cool :)
Lets get a few posts in the can, then we can arrange and schedule them in whatever order, and go public with this thing :)
I'll write something as well, eventually. Dealing with major writer's block right now.
@MAgician What's your preferred way of dealing with WB?
@eimyr Be depressed? Wait, that's not quite the right way.
I'll let you know when I figure it out :P
I mean, what do you do to make it go away?
Sometimes taking my tablet with a bluetooth keyboard and going to a cafe, or on a train works for me. Where there's nothing else to do but write for a while.
The best thing for writer's block, in my experience, is to write about anything. Including writer's block. Or describe your cat.
I learned to jump hobby for a bit.
When I have to write something and am blocked I write a bit of prep. or a character description. something that includes writing and something that is so cool and awesome and motivating right now
usually the block is somehow forgotten in the process
Gonna make the blog private for now, let me know if you can't access it or something.
"Private Blog" would be a good name for an ork soldier.
General Incompetence. Everyone respects a 4-syllable word.
Major Major Major Major
We may wish to discuss the posting strategy, such as it is. Do we care about regular posting and whatnot? Then having most writers be contributors would probably work best, as they wouldn't be able to actually publish on their own.
Or I'm overthinking it.
If we have two or three people in total then it doesn't really matter.
if there is a surge and we need to use both hands to count then some diversification of access level will make it easier to manage
posting strategy is cool and all when we have some existing volume
@eimyr People are signing up :D
at the moment it's zero, we can expect a surge of 10 posts or so in the works and then the enthusiasm will drop. posting strategy can turn that into a plateau
True. I'm not sure just how sustainable the concept is.
Everyone has a story or three, but what next?
I'm more interested in post quality at this point - appropriate length, good content, interesting presentation, engaging style, inviting title, amusing visuals
it will probably evolve on its own
I have some desire to post ramblings on the internet just like the next person, only I don't have a ponderings equivalent
I'm in favour of queuing up posts for weekly or biweekly pushes so there's a backlog and regularity.
If we run out of backlog, then it goes to "when something new comes along."
Me too.
I wouldn't at this point turn away from "Kids, don't do that" kinds of posts without a story attached to it necessarily.
But we'll se when (if) we get there.
It appears that the use of Wordpress is a detrimental factor to one's potency.
the moment I use that e-mail address to join WP I am flooded with knockoff viagra spam
"You seem to be interested in writing something. May we offer an alternative?"
@Magician "If inspiration lasts more than 4 hours seek medical help."
4 hours later…
@Magician I still can't find the review queue
5 hours later…
I've started notes toward two more botch posts: In Which There Are Younger Siblings and In Which Everyone Was Kung-Fu Fighting.

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