I've seen the graphs of the stability line but I can't find any reason as to why this happens, I understand radiation, just not why radiation needs to occur in the first place if that makes sense.
After some X billion years, one would think the stars in the entire universe will run out of hydrogen. What would happen next? Is there any way to get hydrogen out of heavy metals (extreme fission)? Just curious.
I am thinking about symmetries and that their "quantum" consequences are Ward identities of the form $$<\beta|[Q,S]|\alpha>=0,$$ where $Q$ is the conserved charge associated with the symmetry at hand, $S$ is the $S$-matrix and $|\beta>$ and $|\alpha>$ denote out and in states. How do I prove that
Consider a block A on top of block B with a coefficient of friction of say 0.3 in between them and the path providing zero resistance (no friction), with the bottom block moving such that its acceleration is 2m/s$^2$. The two blocks move such that the top block shares the acceleration with the bo...