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okay I do not have a password set up (yet)
...right, duh, winkey-shift-s doesn't work on Ubuntu
I read that as "winkey", as in "likes winking"
it's "win" in the TNB dialect
oh right I don't have any userscripts installed in this browser
let me. fix that
much better
I was wondering why I'm struggling so much and then I remember I only ever gave the VM 4 gigs of RAM
I'll try to fix that
Okay I'm back with 8G. I'm scared to allocate more because I only have 16G total and I have to leave something for the host
8G should be enough for most normal stuff
I do everything programming-related in WSL, which has 8GB, and I've never had any real problems
Right but I'm using a full-on Ubuntu VM, so it has more to do than WSL
like, I'm using chat right now in Firefox in the VM
Oh with a gui
you can see why it didn't do very well with only 4
Wait do you only have a few tabs in Firefox open? Because even 3GB would be enough for that
I have another old laptop with ~3GB memory and you can open a couple terminal instances and ~5 tabs in Firefox and the performance remains just as good-or rather, just as bad-as it would be with only 1 tab
@user Two firefox tabs, but also vs code running the swift language server
@Ginger so let me get this straight: you make a request to https://meta.stackexchange.com/users/login and scrape that for the fkey needed to log into SE?
yup! isn't it awful?
Okay I got it to print out the fkey
let response = try await http.sendRequest(.get, "https://meta.stackexchange.com/users/login", nil as Empty?).get()
guard let html = String(data: response.data, encoding: .utf8) else { fatalError() }
let fkey = try SwiftSoup.parse(html).getElementsByAttributeValue("name", "fkey").attr("value")
also welcome to the race I guess
The human race?
the ligma race
@Ginger so your chat client is gonna be text based?
mine is going to be a TUI because there's no Swift graphics libraries that you can use without a mac
how do you plan to support things like message moving, starring, conversation bookmarking and kick-muting?
(cc everyone making a chat client)
I haven't made any progress, just a refactor
import Alamofire
import SwiftSoup

let httpClient: HTTPClient = HTTPClientImpl()
let auth = AuthHandlerImpl(client: httpClient)
print(try await auth.getFKey())
@Ginger /users/login/universal/request is giving me a 404. What am I doing wrong?
host is https://meta.stackexchange.com, right?
@Bbrk24 I can't find any usage examples
Github's "find references" points to code that doesn't exist
I changed it from meta to codegolf and it segfaulted. cool
okay the segfault was actually unrelated
Fatal error: Error raised at top level: CAPTCHA encountered
SwiftSoup has been incredibly useful though because I can give it a CSS selector and it returns a list of elements
7 hours later…
@lyxal this is a fair question; I think I'm going to add a button in the left gutter for "message options"
Will multi message select be supported?
perhaps, but you're putting the cart before the horse
I need to get the client functional before I can do that
and currently it's "functional" only in the loosest sense of the word
@Ginger I can't ignore the fact that meta.stackexchange.com/users/login/universal/request because I'm not getting the necessary cookies or w/e in order to navigate to chat.stackexchange.com/chats/join/favorite. Did I get the URL wrong, or is there something else I've missed?
one sec plz
@Bbrk24 ah, I know your issue
host is supposed to be the url of the site being logged into, like CGSE
@Ginger Tried that, didn't work. https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/users/login/universal/request doesn't exist
are you POSTing it? do you have the cookies?
I am POSTing it but I'm not getting the cookie from the previous request
you need to keep cookies consistent across every request
that's why I use a single Session object
@Ginger did you settle on a licence for SE Chat?
@Ginger I am. the login request just doesn't have any Set-Cookie headers in the response
@lyxal GPLv3
just added it
:+1: i'll update the bot licence
POST request to codegolf.stackexchange.com/users/login
response headers: Optional(Pragma: no-cache
Via: 1.1 varnish
Accept-Ranges: bytes
Content-Security-Policy: upgrade-insecure-requests; frame-ancestors 'self' stackexchange.com
X-Timer: S1683893054.613465,VS0,VE31
Connection: keep-alive
x-frame-options: SAMEORIGIN
Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=15552000
Cache-Control: no-cache
Date: Fri, 12 May 2023 12:04:13 GMT
Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8
X-Cache-Hits: 0
X-Served-By: cache-cmh1290069-CMH
notice: no Set-Cookie
If it doesn't give me a login cookie, but it gives me a 204 response code, what does that mean?
@lyxal yes
@Bbrk24 I have absolutely no idea
if it's not working pray to your personal god(s), because the intricacies of SE auth are not made for mortal eyes
I don’t have time to fully debug this right now, but is it possible it’s due to something in the request headers?
sechat's auth code is a modified version of chatbot.py's auth code
and I don't know who made chatbot.py
This afternoon I’ll probably just copy the cookie out of my browser and just use that
that way I can make some progress on literally anything else
I’ll also probably clone sechat and see if I can get that to work
Swift-Python interop was a planned thing at one point, idk how far it got
leaving rooms works now!
as does rejoining rooms from the previous session
very spicy
I love how random cursed shit just shows up in my Amazon recommendations
From random searches of mine
a natural combination
I like how it implies the random power surges on my ethernet lines are from like, arc welding ethernet cables lol
I was given a shift after school today that would conflict with something I have after school and I told them that 48h ago and still no update on whether I need to go :|
I will soon embark on an AI project
But not neural-network based
Calling LLMs AI is boring
This'll be something different
is it just me or have xkcds been gradually declining in quality?
I think Randall's running out of ideas
@Ginger Looking back through the recent ones, yeah, actually
Three spam emails away from 800 college emails this year
Seems I won't hit 1k
@Ginger I mean some of the recent ones are pretty good
I don't think there's ever been a consistent quality level
The good ones were just more good
Like the good ones now are just like, half smile for a second
2 hours later…
@RydwolfPrograms Nope, she has a boyfriend
(Asked my cheerleader friend who knows her)
Tired of looking at that gross bird lol
So if there's Ethernet-over-Power and Power-over-Ethernet...
I think y'all know where I'm going with this
ethernet over ethernet?
it'd be funny if Power over Ethernet over Power was actually something that worked
"Taylor Swift is secretly a muslim" - girl at the table behind me
Not sure what to make of that
YES my shift got picked up
3 hours later…
@Ginger Do you have anything left on rustdrop?
Working on cleaning up some of the clutter on it
IIRC nothing of yours is DNS'd to its IP, but idk if you have like, a bot or some log files you haven't moved yet

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