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00:00 - 20:0020:00 - 00:00

weird, i can
I can only unzoom a certain amount
here we goooooo
oh, is it capped at 30 players?
Is it empty now?
*imports multiprocessing*
can't wait until someone gets 90 more "players" in here
that's what I'm working on
Why is it that every now and again I get redirected to a rickroll?
anticheat I think
for some reason my computer doesn't like it when I open more than 20 websockets from one process
time to put a color sample in one of the corners
my computer is pretty much capped
the responsibility now falls on yall to get that number to 100
we're at 82
Okay, now can y'all kill them to save me some bandwidth :p
I am, I am
it just instantly went to 12
time to move everything down one
Dammit our color sample is off-by-one
in the top corner
we can fix that
my poor CPU
i'm guessing the qr code is gonna lead to a rickroll
@allxy still bugged though
I zoom in somewhere on the canvas and it doesn't let me zoom back out or scroll anywhere
Reloading the page doesn't fix it either
I have to close the tab and open a new one
there is no bi flag
Who says we need any flag this time?
By that I also mean country flags too
real footage of us getting 99.999 trillion players (real)
you gotta love
minor complaint
if you draw horizontally or vertically it locks you into that axis
that could be useful in some cases but it mostly just makes navigating while zoomed sorta clunky
@lyxal Anticheat but it's bugged
@hyper-neutrino That's a feature/bug of the scrller engine, I can't change it...
Oh god someone's a weeb
Whoever's botting please stop it
It just messes with people and costs Radvylf bandwidth
@lyxal Browser/os?
@allxy duckduckgo / android
Oof sorry, idk why it doesn't work
thinking about using the bottom left for another field scenery
bottom right
i meant bottom right
Now it’s SODA CUPS
Can for once we have an actual CODE GOLF thing
We’re getting our first flag
Just casually putting the Norway flag in there because I like it
Ok the fact that there’s apparently 26 people on the page is kinda sus
To whoever's mantaining the anime girl: I'm moving the arm so she can hold a teacup
The Haskell logo is now incased inside a windows 9x style button cool
Either more bots are joining or someone’s messing with the player count
Half of the bots left which is good
Should we require people to sign in to place pixels?
That's a lot of work and creates a lot of issues
Makes complete sense thamks
Okay, whoever keeps joining with dozens of bots, please stop. I'm not going to do anything about it yet, but it's unnecessary bandwidth and server load and it makes the online count useless which makes the experience slightly less fun for everyone. It's not funny, it's not constructive, and it's not necessary. Thank you.
That's much nicer worded, I'll pin that instead
also for the record i am not the guy who put hanime.tv on there
Is that hentai?
don't actually know what that is but it's probably not a great idea to put links to pirate and/or porn sites on something like this
This is what happens when you make cooperative things that are publicly available
can't believe I just got rickrolled again
Networking issues
this is only publicly available within the cgcc community and to whoever it's been shared with outside
spam clicking during the timer increases the chances of rickroll it seems
or not
@RadvylfPrograms How hard would it be for you to restart the server and pull the new changes, and is it all backed up?
Also, would 1.log be wiped by doing that?
There, the offending URL has now been removed
@allxy No clue, I'm using -l
im gonna move the code golf thing one pixel to the left so it’s all centered with the lambdas and stuff
I'm also going to hack in a way to see a list of IP addresses of people online, so I can temporarily IP ban anyone with bots if it becomes necessary
@RadvylfPrograms Oops, that clears the log file... :|
I'll just cp it then
Okay :)
6k pixel changes already lol
How often does the log get saved?
every 100 changes
For "appendFile is very inefficient" reasons
So it's going to lose some of the changes :/
And the saved image won't match the logs
Oh. great.
Did you end up adding commands to it?
Reconstruct the saved image from the logs?
Sorry, this was a bad design choice.
yeah, we can just reconstruct and lose a few minutes of work
it would make sense if there was a way to force a log save
Spam white pixels, people
@UnrelatedString Yeah...
we can also make meaningless changes up to a save :)
Weird, a line was just added
A single line
like just fucking mash white pixels in the middle of the screen
@RadvylfPrograms To the log file?
That's weird
We did it reddit
yeah, and it's not a multiple of 100 lines
That's very weird
Oh, it saves every 101
challenge: get every pixel to be non-white
I can't count lol
White sometimes has meaning
Blah blah blah negative space
@hyper-neutrino welp there goes my idea of drawing the Norway flag
Okay killed it
We just got to 6464
Anyone got code to reconstruct everything?
Bye bye... for now
is it me or is this X wonky/not symmetrical?
@RadvylfPrograms Hold on, one moment
double [copyrighted by Nintendo]
Also, I'd make the back-end timer 2000ms not 2500ms, to avoid network issues causing false rickrolls or missing pixels
Now it’s SODA CORN
@RadvylfPrograms yes please. I've been false rickrolled 4 times
twice on mobile, twice on my computer
I wonder how many people would buy soda-flavored corn (not popcorn)
@RadvylfPrograms I've made it 1s if you pull from github
probably none
probably like half of ohio
Reconstruction @RadvylfPrograms
What should I save that as?
Doesn't matter, just use -L filename
Will this affect the data used to make the Timelapses?
This is repr'd from the data used to make timelapses
reminds me how soon can we expect the full iteration 0 timelaps
It's not working
What's happening?
No clue
It's just not working
:( Sorry for making this so annoying to use
Okay now it is
It was an nginx issue
There's so many things I could improve, and so many I've overlooked
@RadvylfPrograms I was worried you had run out of bandwidth
The reverse proxy occasionally does weird stuff, I think it's IPv6 related
With all the bots I wouldn't be surprise
@allxy nah, even with 1k people at once, it's like half a megabyte per pixel placed. That'd be 3 GB of bandwidth
Streaming video for a few hours is more than that
I probably shouldn't base my expectations on the original canvas which used about ten megabytes over its lifetime
@allxy Maybe a few things, but honestly this is way more than I had any idea you were working on. I'm super impressed by how many features you've added.
Oh also it's back up
Yeah, well... I submitted this for a computer studies assessment and the teacher thought it was really cool and said I could just keep working on this for the rest of the term
Love how someone turned the 🅱️ Into a button combo
Maybe an admin page would be a cool thing to work on next. Like, you'd have the canvas and you can do things like edit without a timer, or fill in areas with a color, and then maybe a console on the size where you can do stuff
@RadvylfPrograms Yeah, I was thinking about that
Would you consider a single 128-bit admin password that I email to you and hyper secure?
I think individual human-readable passwords would be better
or maybe have the ability to purge individual edits so our timelapses don't have to have dongby
Maybe you could use PBKDF2 or something
crypto.subtle has some really cool stuff
I'll have a look at that
my idea was to make that part of the websocket as well
It's a key stretching algo, so it turns something human readable like IAmRadvylf,Woof2 into a random, deterministic string of bytes
Would that be done serverside or clientside?
(Or both?)
Now we got SODA CORK
Either, but probably client side
You'd probably want serverside (as well?) just because people can send arbitrary stuff to the server
Oh, you validate it server side, yeah
we have reached a Levenshtein distance of 5
(from code golf)
The key stretching would just be so that we don't need to share our human readable passwords with each other since traditional wisdom says not to do that (especially when you're like me and reuse the same formula for everything)
CMQ: How many pixels have you placed?
Oof, 1063
(Btw, don't know what's up with the "all time" metric)
also why does it give double this iteration's count for all time
1636 all time
I’m not on my computer rn but if I had to estimate I think 1200
My favourite colour is #ccc because of the teapot and mug
I just realised I accidentally had three tabs open
Because the two I had for local testing connected to the canvas.rto.run websocket
ok just checked it's 988 ;-;
time to make that 1k
there we go
Okay that's cool. Having the tab lazily loaded in another tab on my phone and coming back to it later creates a sort of timelapse
ayyy canvas is up again
mine's #6178C9 from the background followed by black, gray, #DEBFBA, and yellow
anyways my favorite color is #00f followed by the light blue, the yellow, a navy, and purple
it’s OLD FORD now, distance of 6
Pipis? Cool!...
write “wtf” below that
anyways ima get off bye
are there three people on that bi flag rn
i think so
im one of them
I love it when that happens
Meanwhile, the anime girl is getting a skateboard
if anyone else working on the bi flag is here, lets go under the red heart
I was lying
Anyways CODE ƎᗡOƆ?
still 6 distance
gonna make the flag of Norway transition into the flag of Iceland which will transition into the flag of Finland which will transition into the flag of Sweden
all the nordics
or switzerland 😈
you people have to understand that you cant leave As around without them becoming amoguses
I’m sorry but I’m gonna have to overwrite your flies
Three people were working near the skateboard at the end :)
gtg for now bye
it's fun just thinking about how last iteration influenced the start of this one
Is that norway or a raygun?
tic tac toe didn't get to become sacred, so now it's xkcd kfc
Amogus will always be sacred
in The Nineteenth Byte, 4 hours ago, by allxy
Apr 4 at 22:53, by Radvylf Programs
Find someone who loves you like red amogus loves green amogus
woo blue corner done
now to make it a night-time scene
also, tiny feature request for next iteration: small highlighting to show the current square youre hovering over
maybe in your currently selected color
one of gaming's top ten moments for sure
I want to take this quote and put it in a hall of fame.
Just something about it coming from JoKing makes it 10 times funnier than it should be
user image
what have i done
you have created perfection
i love the dude lining up his swing
oh yes :) I made that just now, I was hoping it was fairly clear what it is
i set the green up hoping someone would figure out how to pull it off
and you got a metaphorical hole in one
full confession, I did download the canvas and fiddle around in gimp a tiny bit to draw something that looked good
but i doubt i spent more than two or three minutes drawing, and settled on that
simple is good sometimes
oh and i see someone has added a trajectory to the ball :P
Hello, Wordle!
y'all are grate
Haskell is trans
Pixel art gears are surprisingly hard
only work at a few scales really
I'm at a loss of words here.
1 hour later…
PUTIN had to go round a corner lol
BARD JAIL for bad singers
IMO admin tools should only be used for destruction, not creation. Onions?
Ideally, avoid using them at all
Anyone want a heatmap?
Kay, most changed pixel is 23 times
Does painting a pixel the same colour count?
Oops, had lightness 100%
Interesting how many of the pixels have only been touched once
We're at about 16k pixel changes
wtf happened to loss
poor P4TC
@UnrelatedString P4TC flag -> golf green -> person playing golf -> person playing golf but with the P4TC text restored
The qr code is ... interesting
what does it go to?
actually no
I can figure this out
You'll see lol
It's beautiful
o/ for now
@RadvylfPrograms When you get back online, would you mind pulling from github? It's frontend changes only.
finally got zbar working
...and now I wish I hadn't
damn you colin
sooper weegee galaxy
Squid game
No apple pencil support
i have awaken
it's also at NOOO OOOO now
whoever made the qr code i love the video
@JoKing despite my original intent, i LOVE this
@UnrelatedString So that's what it used to be
Now it's this crap
reminds me of marro taking a piss
don't you love how the piss goes into a perfect parabola
I've been doing nothing but placing pixels for the last 2 hours.
Time for a break and sleep
That's a literal 2 hours btw.
I really didn't do anything but canvas for 2 hours.
What is my life.
how does the timelapse site work
like what does iteration mean
i put in 2, 3, 200, and 1500 and got blank gifs every time
There are only 2 iterations so far, and you can't get a gif of the first one
So only iteration=1 works
thank you
evolution of both code golfs
2 hours later…
@user f
me when letter f
@BowlingPizzaBall oh what a classic
i think the garfield version is better though
1 hour later…
the heatmap is... not looking great at the moment
may want some layer to rope in outliers
@allxy this one is gorgeous though
a bit haunting
One has awoken
two have awoken
Oh god Vyxal's everywher
@Ginger tf is your sleep schedule
i moved the pipis arrow because it was actually kind of unpleasant to look at the way it was arranged lmao
00:00 - 20:0020:00 - 00:00

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