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1:16 AM
@ElectionBot how many users have voted?
Based on the number of Constituent badges awarded, 459 (2.76% of 16,629 eligible) users have voted thus far.
@ElectionBot alive
I'm alive on electionbot3.samliew.com, started on 2022-03-25 01:16:33Z with 18 seconds of uptime.
1 hour later…
2:23 AM
@terdon Thanks @OlegValteriswithUkraine!
I've already voted, but I'm curious ...
@ElectionBot Who should I vote for?
If you want to make an informed decision on who to vote for, you should read the nominees' answers to the questionnaire, and also look at examples of their participation on Meta and how they conduct themselves.
@ElectionBot What are the responsibilities of a moderator?
Elected ♦ moderators are essential to keeping the site clean, fair, and friendly by enforcing the Code of Conduct. They are volunteers who are granted additional privileges to handle situations regular users can't, like investigating sockpuppet accounts, suspending users, migrating questions to any network site, and performing post redactions.
3:06 AM
@Lawrence ^_^
5 hours later…
7:48 AM
@ElectionBot How many people have voted?
Well, here's another nice mess you've gotten me into!
@ElectionBot How many users have voted?
Based on the number of Constituent badges awarded, 462 (2.78% of 16,629 eligible) users have voted thus far.
2 hours later…
9:34 AM
Thanks @OlegValteriswithUkraine and @SamuelLiew!
12 hours later…
9:36 PM
Welcome to the election chat room! The election is underway, and 478 (2.87% of 16,630 eligible) users have already voted! I can answer common questions about elections (type @ElectionBot help for more info).

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