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3:01 PM
@HenryWHHackv3.0 Yeah, you can create a MB compressor using normal compressors and filters, as long as there's no phase issues between the different channels (bands) and if there are, you handle them. This can actually end up better than a single MB compressor, as you get more control. But it's better if you do it in a modular synth/effect design system like NI Reaktor etc. You can control the signal better that way, as it's more transparent.
3:33 PM
@n00dles Quick question, have you ever heard about or even used Ardour? It's a DAW that works on Linux.
1 hour later…
4:42 PM
@HenryWHHackv3.0 No, haven't heard of it. Just had a quick look, and it seems pretty capable on the surface, but there would probably be some limitations, the type you usually get with free audio applications.

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