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oh where, oh where has
my unicorn gone? oh where
oh where can she be?
Well I guess that didn't do what I thought it should.
@user1271772 Hint: I did it using notepad, not a website / tool because I didn't know of such a tool that could do it.
@mickmackusa What did you expect it to do?
So, no special hats for Christmas? :/
Usually there's been a hat for doing some specific activity on either December 24th or 25th.
@JamesDunn no doesn't look like (until its ultra ultra secret), the trigger would be called within +-12h UTC
32 hats!!!
Got spotless
@Xnero I can get to the second page only
I got Spotting scope about a minute after casting the final close vote on a duplicate question on Hist SE. Can anyone confirm or refute this as the trigger?
@Xnero open up some front door to answering questions to save a kidnapped unicorn.
I'm sure that I don't follow the meaning of reorientating revolutionary things. I don't see where to go next.
@mickmackusa Where are you currently? Did you get past /unicorn to the second page?
@nobody I have decyphered the page containing 2 cyphers "Scrawled on the back of the note is written:" then the url with missing components.
@mickmackusa Well, than haven’t you already reached the questions?
@mickmackusa If you have deciphered it, then you know what to do... Something is written before the URL..
2 hours later…
Okay, got to the second page, tried a ROT13 decode on the note. Didn't work. Brute-forced all the Caesar ciphers. Didn't work. That's a really tough one.
Ouch. Tried reading it out loud. Still gibberish.
Not pig latin either.
@Someone_who_likes_SE Have you "inspect" first page?
1 hour later…
Could someone fill me in on what is known about the Satellite View hat? I just received it after working with four, >=8yrs-old posts, which included a close vote (and subsequent closure), linking two old questions, editing, and flagging. Wondering if and how this fits in with other known details.
@Aaron Close vote...(age of question doesn't matter)
What is telling, that there's a skew in making this about a puzzle and the way it's constructed, is that no one on Puzzling and Cryptography has many hats: winterbash2021.stackexchange.com/leaderboard/… winterbash2021.stackexchange.com/leaderboard/…
None of the users seem to have the defender hat either.
@Wolgwang Anything about total number of close votes, close reasons, first or last vote, ...?
@Aaron IDK because my "needs improvement" flags had triggered it.
@Aaron Do you have the spotting scope?
@Wolgwang Yes, I do have Spotting Scope, but I thought that one had something to do with reopen votes (which, I'm told, it doesn't).
@Aaron Take a look here:

 Get triggered! 🦄🧇

Keeping a note of secret hats' triggers that were very close.
Spotting scope and Satellite view are related... IMO
@Wolgwang I don't understand where to proceed to. I've deciphered it. One of the passages is perfectly sensible yet useless. The other is all English, but nonsensical.
@mickmackusa Notice the underlined letters.
@Wolgwang ah, that's exactly what I wasn't noticing. Thx.
I was deciphering with PHP's strtr() function in 3v4l.org, and of course the underlined characters were not copy-pasted so I was not seeing that visual cue. In now, thanks.
1 hour later…
^ there is a link
1 hour later…
@U12-Forward You there?
@U12-Forward Take a look here
@U12-Forward Question posted (1,3] months ago.
Test successful with the help of @double-beep 😎
@Wolgwang Teach me how you got three burried pennies :)
2 days ago, by Wolgwang
Three burried pennies: Two burried pennies+ question recieves +3 score answer.
2 days ago, by Wolgwang
Tyberius got the hat most probably from this edit.
2 days ago, by Wolgwang
This can be tested if this answer recieves three(upvote by the editor won't be included I think) more votes.
@Wolgwang What's the trigger then for Two burried pennies
in Get triggered! 🦄🧇, Dec 21 at 5:49, by Wolgwang
in Winter Bash 2021, 57 mins ago, by Slate
Wolgwang guessed that Two Buried Pennies is One Buried Penny plus the post gets upvoted. That guess is missing a tiny stipulation (not "new post"), but is actually ridiculously close. Also, "One Buried Penny" doesn't seem to have been identified, yet, so identifying Two Buried Pennies first is extremely funny to me.
I got one buried penny by suggesting an edit for an old question, which later got approved. I don't know if I'll get two buried pennies if the question gets upvoted. I upvoted the question myself, which wasn't enough, so either the vote should come from someone else, or it requires 2 votes (scifi.stackexchange.com/questions/149222)
@Eran One upvote from other...
yesterday, by Wolgwang
@Slate The upvote by the editor won't trigger it.
Dec 21 at 4:56, by Slate
You're looking for the wrong little stipulation. My hint is that the stipulation acts as a check to prevent misuse of the site to get the hat.
@Eran Got the hat?
@Wolgwang I got the Two buried pennies hat. thanks.
The question is whether 2 votes were required, or one vote from someone else.
@Eran I was the 4th vote
Staff where are you?
@U12-Forward Interesting 🤔
@Eran We can test it now. Can you temporary upvote this? Just got a single burried hat for the edit a few minutes ago...
@U12-Forward 2 votes were old (pre-edit), so they don't count. Mine was the third. I'm not sure if I got the hat after the fourth (first that was cast today) or the fifth (second that was cast today).
@Wolgwang I just did
So one upvote( upvote by the editor not included) is the trigger.
"My hint is that the stipulation acts as a check to prevent misuse of the site to get the hat."
It's interesting that for some hats your own vote does count. I noticed that I had a +4 answer for a +3 question, so I upvoted the question to +4 and got the Plus 44 hat
@Eran o_o
1 hour later…
@YaakovEllis Quiz won't advance beyond third question, doesn't accept correct answer and doesn't advance or give countdown, just reloads the webpage. Reset doesn't work either.
2 hours later…
It's not kicking me out after two hours either.
@Rob or Yaakov is on vacation and is considering whether or not to take action when he gets back to work.
@Wolgwang I couldn't find anything in common.
@YaakovEllis Now that I know the answer I can see that what I posted there isn't a hint or solution, in addition you posted a solution earlier and stated that it would be difficult to use on mobile; I said that I used another method. --- In any event enjoy your vacation, hopefully whoever is filling in will see the ping and unstick the site. --- Thanks for reading.
4 hours later…
It finally reset, worked for two questions, then hung again.

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