Oh, I independently realized it was 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + ..., looked up the sum of that sequence on Wikipedia, and didn't realize it was a triangular number.
If I had written a faster way to calculate triangular numbers the first time around, I would've top-100'd on part 2, but I went with the sum of a range >:|
And I spent a lot of time on Part 2 undoing that optimization, and then wondering whether I needed a different one (because it felt stupid for Part 2 to be less efficient that Part 1)
tbh the most important thing is i am improving (or at least i feel like i am) so even if my score doesn't end up where i want this year i can always keep trying again and keep getting better
which is a better result than the internet points anyway xD
i think i recall the parsing was relatively easy compared to the rest of the logic if not so much the parsing for other problems in my case using python