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spotify sponsors AoC?
Lots of big companies do
I wasn't expecting spotify though
Capital One and American Express are two I wouldn't expect
wait no way
holy crap they do
AT&T sort of does
Through a company they own
Riot Games does
@lyxal why do I feel like that'd be a turn off for some people?
"Better pass those unit tests or you'll kill ten people"
"Dang 3 people died in the last commit, lemme just go open an issue"
I love how the word for "raincoat" in spanish is "impermeable"
makes sense tbh
serious question: how many people have actually bothered to read this years lore from day 1?
I haven't
I know we're in some caves
But that's about it lol
I know we're getting keys and that we're in a submarine, but that's it
Submarines are overrated, tree domes are where it's at
Although I may be biased because I'm a land mammal from texas
@RedwolfPrograms for a moment then I read biased as based
That too
@lyxal yes the tacit system is based
no doubt about it
Quiet today
Nearly halfway there!
Actually, already halfway there
Don't know why y'all are shying away from the normal numbers this year :p
More for me I guess
@RedwolfPrograms It's difficult as very few numbers are known to be normal
hi there
General Kenobi!
24 secs ago, by Razetime
hi there
1.x where x is the amount of seconds left divided by 60 or something idk
n where n is the amount of seconds left
Half ninja'd?
Is that a thing?
@emanresuA seems like they cancel out
wait i got logged out and almost didn't notice
true, nninjan't
dah frick I suck at oregano
Did all te folds fanf
bruh with the amount of sense in that message, it sounds like you need to go back to sleep school and learn how to rest
not bad
127pts behind ecner, up 7pts from yesterday
Wgat tge fricj does it mean 8 capital letters?!?!?!?!
i love when the sample works but my real input doesn't
i just got the sample wrong and the real one right
I've got an off-by-one error somewhere
My part 1 solution was broken but it still gave the correct result lol
Close to being back on the leaderboard
Totally screwed up p2 lol
I accidentally used the un-folded output instead of the folded output
Then, after fixing that, I accidentally outputted it transposed
But I didn't know what series of flips/rotations I'd accidentally applied
@tjjfvi lol
And for p1, I accidentally did all the folds, but somehow still placed in top 100
Despite the 60s wait
I could've got top 10 lol
so i tried graphing the p2 result and i do not see any letters
Today I do not feel like a failure!
@UnrelatedString Same, did you do all the flips?
Mine's cursed
my p1 was relatively slow because i didn't get my input processing method set in my mind fast enough so i started writing code and then had to quickly revise it twice which cost me a bunch
at least i remembered that my editor saves with \r\n
I applied all the flips, but then forgot to use that variable instead of the one with just one flip lol
so i didn't get fucked by that :p
okay so i'm getting a graphically wrong but numerically right result on the sample
I told myself over and over again to make sure to read better today, and then lost a possible top 10 because I didn't read :p
wait what the fuck am i literally just missing the last fold
I've got an off-by-one error?
wait no it's more than that
And I don't have an actual grid :p
i knew my fold logic was too shit to work
Folding isn't actually that complicated
Mine used something along the lines of flip_coord - abs(flip_coord - original)
the way i did it was actually kinda bad
i should've used abs instead of ternary
anyway with jelly you could just like
slice the array
reverse one side
and overlay with |
or sorry, with any array language
Flipping and discarding one of the rows kinda threw me off
That will definitely give some people off-by-one errors
But in p1
i was handling the axes wrong
@emanresuA This is for p1. When you flip, are you using a row/column itself as the axis, or an imaginary line between them?
finally got it by changing 1j**(f[0]=='y') to (-1j)**(f[0]=='y')
@RedwolfPrograms ಠ_ಠ That could be the proble
Except I've tried correcting those errors...
327/983 lmao
(You should be using the row/column itself, if you're not doing that)
(Inserting +1 and -1 in coordinate changes)
(But it's not doing that
Your folding logic is the same as mine it seems
Are you doing all the folds in p1?
Just one
(Two makes no difference either)
Does .map(Number) after the .split`,` in your input parsing change anything?
I don't think it's a typing issue but idk
Just realised that, will see
It looks like all you do is subtracting, so it shouldn't matter, but idk
map doesn't modify the original
I didn't notice that, I was busy trying to debug the last few lines
the one thing i wish had been different tonight is that the sample should have been larger so the dumb shit i did for part 1 would have been fresh in my mind when i had to fix it because i wouldn't have been able to get the right answer by complete accident
so the fun thing is that my solution works for the sample, and probably works for the actual input, but takes a very long time to do things
Very pogchamp
that's my p1
ಠ_ಠ Don't make a grid if you can avoid it
And in this case you can
too bad I'm like 1 minute into running my program
I will listen to the entire undertale ost if i have to I'm doing the grid method
besides idk how to do it gridless
For each point, fold it over the line
mm yes very helpful
seriously tho tf do you mean?
For each point:
- If the fold's axis is x, set the x coordinate to (foldpos - abs(foldpos-x))
- Otherwise do the same but for y
ok wait
i have the final matrix for p2
what the hell is this final answer aaaa
You have to visualize it in some way and read it as text
ok what a cute answer nvm
@emanresuA in this case you literally have to make a grid for part 2 but you don't need it for intermediate steps and the points are very sparse to begin with so yeah
I shall use the power of desmos for part 2
I'm uh assuming the dots aren't supposed to have negative co-ords...
Surely it reads "lyxal bad"
That is eight letters
@emanresuA for some reason that produces negative coords
It's what I used
send code
oh wait it's vyxal i can't read it anyway oops
i was about to say what help would that be
i normalized the points to eliminate negatives which uh
``€÷$ →dots →folds

←folds hw (fold|
   ←fold `[xy]=\d+` $Ẏ\=/f÷$ →axis ⌊→_pos
   ←axis `x` = [
     ←dots ƛ←_pos nh ←_pos -ȧ- nt"; →dots
     ←dots ƛnh ←_pos : nt -ȧ-"; →dots

 ←dots Uƛ`(%, %)`$%;⁋
apparently is not necessary, it's already aligned
and it produces points like:
(-887, -100)
(-465, -237)
(-450, -48)
(-37, -287)
(-1085, -807)
(-878, -62)
(-465, -219)
(-1230, -452)
(-45, -629)
(-821, -459)
(-1280, -772)
(-1220, -705)
(-886, -215)
(-430, -737)
(-881, -104)
(-383, -411)
(-1292, -683)
(-199, -174)
does it work on sample
but it worked for part 1
oh, you're making a bunch of negative points so you need to normalize everything to 0, 0
by adding the max x and y to everything
nope it was a global variable/lazy evaluation issue
oh lmao
the prospect of an "immediantly apply" lambda is looking more and more yes
got it
two d13 stars
I do love being screwed over by the lazy evaluation i worked so hard to bug fix purely because global variables and because python's exec is hella janky sometimes
Idk why I added the "people with bunny ears" emoji but it popped up when I searched "party hat" so why not
I ignored the unrelated string advice today and just used 2D arrays
i continue to have an off by one error that i cannot find
despite already having gotten both stars
because of an almost readable output that i got
so dumb
2 hours later…
undo isn't helping?

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