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6:49 PM
If you can get Makyen's script to work, mine would be the same. I would provide a script that you simply need to download and drag into the browser.
Grease Monkey it is (Firefox). Thanks!
7:09 PM
@amWhy So have you installed Makyen's script and does it work?
@user21820 I plan on it; I'm simultaneously holding virtual office hours for a class I'm teaching on-line (I teach on campus, face to face, too, but this online class has been taught online for the past 5 years).
Oh ok let me know when you get it working! In the meantime, here is my script. To use it, copy-paste it into a text editor and save as something like "delete-status.user.js". Then open it from your browser (or drag it onto a tab).
// ==UserScript==
// @name        Delete Status
// @namespace   SE
// @include     *
// @version     1
// @grant       none
// ==/UserScript==

if( host.match(/(^|\.)(stackexchange|(stack|math)overflow|superuser|askubuntu|serverfault)\.(com|net)$/) )
	function delstatus()
		for( link of document.getElementsByClassName("js-delete-post") )
			var title=link.getAttribute("title");
			if( title.match(/voted|other users/) ) link.innerHTML=link.innerHTML.replace("Delete ","Delete-voted already ");
@MartinR: You can try my above script and you will never again accidentally retract your delete vote, unless they change the software and break my script. =)

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