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4:45 PM
Q: $\delta=$ {$\emptyset,R,{(-x;x)|x\in R,x\gt0}$} topology on real number line.

unit 1991$\delta=$ {$\emptyset,R,{(-x;x)|x\in R,x\gt0}$} $\delta=$ {$\emptyset,R,{(-x;x)|x\in Q,x\gt0}$} $\delta=$ {$\emptyset,R,{(-x;x)|x\in Z,x\gt0}$} Are family $\delta$ of subsets topology on real number line. For three examples $R$ and $\emptyset$ are there so first axiom holds. If we take union of $...

Similar question does not answer my question.
Your union arguments make no sense. The other question shows 2, the rational endpoints, is not a topology. The union of a subfamily is not always $\Bbb R$.
@HennoBrandsma That's what I was asking.I thought that my work is not correct so I posted here.
If $I \subseteq \Bbb R^+$ the question is what is $\bigcup\{(-x,x)\mid x \in I\}$ for the first candidate, and the union axiom.
@HennoBrandsma For $Z$ the answer of similar queston does not work.
4:45 PM
The question is what is the difference between these cases?
@HennoBrandsma Yes.
Can you answer the question I asked about case 1? With $I$?
For first candidate when $x \in R$ union is R?
If I understood correctly for $x \in Z$ union is also $R$ but for $\Q$ there is an example which we get one endpoint irrational.
Show that for the $\Bbb Q$ and $\Bbb R$ case we have $\bigcup_{x \in I} (-x,x)=(-\sup I, \sup I)$ which shows how it fails for $\Bbb Q$, for $\Bbb Z$ we have the same identity and there $\sup I=+\infty$ or $\max I$.
4:58 PM
Is there an easy way to show that $\bigcup_{x \in I} (-x,x)=(-\sup I, \sup I)$.So we need to show that each set is subset of another. We take $x_1$ from $\bigcup_{x \in I} (-x,x)$ let's say $I$ is $Q$ but $Q$ has a supremum?
5:10 PM
The supremum of the whole set $\Bbb Q$ would be $+\infty$, but it can be be any real number $>0$ for suitably chosen $I$.
You just show two inclusions
In all cases, if $\sup I=+\infty$ the union is $\Bbb R \in \tau$.
But it need not be.
Really thanks for help I'll try to think more about what you said.

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