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5:12 AM
@JohnRennie Hi
do u know how to swap two numbers using bit operations
Hi :-)
Do you mean you have two variables x and y and you have to swap them without using a third variable?
without third variable
I have read this but I cannot remember exactly how it's done so I'd have to Google it. It's done using some complicated sequence of ANDs and ORs.
I can try and Google it if you want ...
yea i didnt really get it
heres the steps
do u know why they work
Ah yes, I remember.
The way to understand this is to consider a single bit. The numbers are made up from a sequence of bits, and swapping the numbers means swapping the bits.
So if we understand how the swap works for a single bit then that explains how it works for numbers made up from many bits.
OK so far?
5:21 AM
So suppose we have two bits A and B and we have to swap them. There are only four possibilities:
A  B
0  0
0  1
1  0
1  1
Suppose we start with the first possibility A = 0 and B = 0 then we get:
          A  B
Start     0  0
A = A^B   0  0
B = A^B   0  0
A = A^B   0  0
Because 0 xor 0 = 0
So we get the same result as swapping the bits, though since both are zero swapping didn't actually do anything.
So now let's take A = 1 and B = 1
          A  B
Start     1  1
A = A^B   0  1
B = A^B   0  1
A = A^B   1  1
Do you want to go through each operation and check I did it correctly?
5:29 AM
whats the table in the right
The table on the right shows the results of the logical operation.
We start with A = 1 and B = 1
Then at the first row we do A = A^B = 1^1 = 0 so we get A = 0 and B is unchanged at B = 1.
At the second row we do B = A^B = 0^1 = 1. So we get B = 1 and A is unchanged at A = 0.
5:33 AM
Then at the third row we do A = A^B again, so A = 0^1 = 1 and B is unchanged at B = 1.
So we end up with A = 1 and B =1.
And again A and b were swapped but since both are equal to 1 it makes no difference.
So the sequence of three XORs does swap the bits if they are both 0 or both 1.
Does this make sense so far?
Do you want to try it for yourself with A = 0 and B = 1?
          A  B
Start     0  1
A = A^B
B = A^B
A = A^B
5:38 AM
Let me try it real quick
Yes it swapped it
Is there a generalization on why this works
It's because the XOR is its own inverse.
If you do A^B^A the A^A always gives zero and we end up with just B i.e. A^B^A = B
If you work through the operations you'll see that after the second operation:
B = A^B^B
@Aladdin Yes?
Ahh ok
And the B^B cancels to give just B = A
This makes sense
On the third line we get (this gets a bit messy!):
A = (A^B) ^ (A^B^B)
5:51 AM
The two As cancel and two of the three Bs cancel so the expression reduces to:
A = B
got it
This was very clever method
It's one of those sneaky tricks that no-one would ever actually use in real life :-)

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