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1:55 PM
@V2Blast I need two days worth of down time summary from Bron. Laz and Ignaz made a potion (using Xanathar's rules) of comprehend languages; Velthiss and Ferrin (the halfling druid) made a healing potion together. Velthiss and Ignaz went to the Crabber's Cove and read the glyphs/writings in Celestial on that trap door, details are in the forum on Roll20. Overheard in the bar/dining room at the Wicker Goat:
@V2Blast Skerrin (the assassin you all captured) was being roughed up a bit during questioning/interrogation and the guard who was having a pint was exclaming to his drinking companion about grabbing him by the hair and having gray something/color come off on his hand. Skerring's hair isn't gray, it's a lite/while/bright blond color. (Skerrin is the butler that did it, serving young/rich Solmor)
@V2Blast So during days 18 and 19 June (you all had planned to head to the tower to help Crow the morning of the 20th) Bron has two days to do pretty much anything. On the 19th Ignaz and Velthiss visited Welgar Brinehanded after they had investigated the trap door (early afternoon) - if you'd like to have been part of that (To keep an eye on them) that's fine for the afternoon of the 19th. What would you like to do form the Night of the 17th through then? Info gathering is fine...
2:19 PM
.. being there for the interrogation of Skerrin is fine (Eliander will, if you request this, allow you in the room but not any of the other party members); Visiting with Welgar - if you choose that what topics would you like to address. Visiting with the dwarfs. What topics? Visiting with Eda Olen (leader lady of town council). Topics? Anything else?
3:11 PM
@V2Blast Only Velthiss and Ignaz could make it. I expected Seven but RL seems to have gotten us. Laz had a RL work issue that he cued me about on Sunday. So I ran a two person session that was mostly info gathering, getting more story hooks, and I provided two mic drops at the end. (a) a ship is sailing into the channel toward the public pier as the sun goes down in the afternoon, and none of you recoginze the flag nor the symbol / heraldry on the Main Sail and (b) fate of Captain Xandross

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