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@Miniman @nitsua60 Heya! Remember when I said I had another boss concept that I also wanted to playtest? Tell me when you guys are available. And if we're doing this, bump up your characters to 6th level and assume all the martial have a +1 weapon. We're heading to the Astral Plane!
Hey Good Morning
@daze413 Cool! I can generally do the time we were using.
@AhmedYasir Hi!
@Miniman Alright, I should forewarn you, though, that this encounter will be deadly. And if you dont mind, can we also have a little roleplay in the beginning as your characters encounter the eldritch altar?
@daze413 I don't mind deadly or roleplay :P
@Miniman Alright. I was primarily concerned if the extra time done in role-playing (and subsequently critiquing the scene of RPing, also) would make it a bit too much :)
@daze413 Nah, should be fine - like I said before, it's basically the most convenient time for me.

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