last day (143 days later) » 

room topic changed to NSChat: Discussion for iOS and OSX developers. [ios] [objective-c] [osx]
room topic changed to NSChat: Discussion for iOS and OSX developers. [best-practice] [ios] [objective-c] [optimization] [osx]
1 hour later…
room topic changed to NSChat: Discussion for iOS and OSX developers. [best-practice] [clean-code] [ios] [objective-c] [optimization] [osx]
3 hours later…
room topic changed to NSChat: Rules → — Discussion for iOS and OS X developers. Our aim is to help you help yourself. This room is a machine, a machine for programmers: fit only for the rambling of programmers. [best-practice] [clean-code] [ios] [objective-c] [optimization] [osx]
room topic changed to NSChat: Rules → — Discussion for iOS and OS X developers. Our aim is to help you help yourself. This room is a machine, a machine for programmers: fit only for the rambling of programmers. [best-practice] [clean-code] [ios] [objective-c] [optimization] [osx]
room topic changed to NSChat: Rules → — Discussion for iOS and OS X developers. Our aim is to help you help yourself. This room is a machine, a machine for programmers: fit only for the rambling of programmers. [best-practice] [clean-code] [ios] [objective-c] [optimization] [osx]
room topic changed to NSChat: Rules → — Discussion for iOS and OS X developers. Our aim is to help you help yourself. This room is a machine, a machine for programmers: fit only for the rambling of programmers. [best-practice] [clean-code] [ios] [objective-c] [optimization] [osx]
room topic changed to NSChat: Rules → — Discussion for iOS and OS X developers. Our aim is to help you help yourself. This room is a machine, a machine for programmers: fit only for the rambling of programmers. [best-practice] [clean-code] [ios] [objective-c] [optimization] [osx]
nhgrif has made a change to the feeds posted into this room
nhgrif has stopped a feed from being posted into this room
3 hours later…

  last day (143 days later) »