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Hi @vonjd
I just replied to your email, btw
I was behind from the weekend.
Hi Marc, how are you?
fine thanks; yourself?
I am fine, thank you (considering the circumstances ;-) I was making the post less offensive ...but then it was deleted
I think that was probably inevitable.
I'm trying to avoid too much moderation (♦) on the site, as that may seem (by the core site users) a mixed message
or in other words: wasn't me, guv'
Perhaps I was overreacting but all the answers seemed so perverse in a way - turning morality upside down - because God did it it must be good - unbearable if you ask me
I don't really disagree with you. Religion has some.... odd stuff. Maybe I won't last long on the site before departing. There are some pretty hard-core believers. But also some moderates.
But; in the context of the site's purpose, if you try to deliver stuff like your post (which yes, to someone who has made the leap, is natural) it is going to end badly.
Actually, my eyes have been opened just how deep it goes. In the UK, religion is pretty cuddly "just be nice to eachother, OK? Gay? well... not a biggie".
And that's from a Roman Catholic upbringing.
But in other parts of the world? woah, much deeper.
I don't resent them their beliefs. Whatever works for them. But when beliefs cross over into action (and policy) it does cause friction.
Perhaps this side is not for me - on the other hand you must show these guys some perspective, or not? I mean I was a Christian myself, quite a passionate one - now I can only wonder what was driving me then - I guess mixture of tradition and stuff - but I am so glad people were discussing with me these things - that opened my eyes - somebody has to do it, or not!
Yeah, in Germany the same
...well in most areas, in some parts of Bavaria, my Godness... but in general its pretty ok here
I was raised RC, but never believed a word. I do, however, need to go and eat.
One last point: Just speaking theoretically: Is there the possibility to have all of my posts deleted? I am pondering it...
...and concerning your email - got the message! Sorry for bothering you and thank you
yes, that is possible if that is what you genuinely want. Let me know.

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