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@GratefulDisciple I think the simpler "everything in the church is in-group, everything outside is not" is probably more appropriate for LDS. Because the church doesn't just consist of doctrine, the priesthood is also crucial because it enables baptism etc. In that LDS are best compared to catholics with their concept of apostolic succession, and that the visible church is basically THE church. You could copy paste the church and one of them would still be the "right" one and the other not.
@GratefulDisciple And then you get the layer of the in-group "Christian" where LDS necessarily have to be more inclusive. I would have a hard time calling someone Christian who doesn't believe in the resurrection, for example. But in the end I, and I think the LDS church in general, go by what Jesus said in Luke 9:30 "Forbid him not: for he that is not against us is for us".
8 hours later…
@kutschkem Yes, LDS ecclesiology, sacramental system (if that's what LDS calls baptism, sealing, etc.), and teaching office are very much like the Roman Catholic church.
@kutschkem Agreed. The Jesus we follow should at the very minimum resurrected and alive and ruling and will return for the Day of Judgment. There are a lot of opportunities for LDS and Evangelicals to work together, esp. in public policies, legislations, and faith-based social work. I voted for Romney back in 2012.

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