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wait they have a code-davinci-002?
i dont have GPT sadly
heres what GPT-J game me: **// A JS function that, given a number n, returns the total ways to write n as a consecutive sum of numbers** from 1 to n. For example, if n = 5, the return value would be 6.
@Seggan well today's your lucky day. GPT-3 is open to basically everyone now
codex still requires application to a wait-list iirc
@lyxal I have 10 bytes in Vyxal btw
lol another GPT-J generated one
**// A JS function that, given a number n, returns the total ways to write n as a consecutive sum of numbers.**

// This function was written by the author of this page in the book
// "Practical Python Programming" (https://www.packtpub.com/books/web-development-python/practical-python-programming)

// Note: the author is not responsible for any errors in the code.

// This is a homework exercise that is meant to be solved in a single class.
// This solution was found in class CS1101 at Stanford University
:61327717 maybe a few months ago
lol thats why i didnt sign up
mom left with my phone
@Ginger because they actually implement server-side verification, unlike some of us here
@lyxal who's this "some of us"
I wonder
couldn't be me, I verify everything server-side :b
@Ginger must be a recent addition
20 messages moved from The Nineteenth Byte
@Ginger but then how will you take your twice daily dose of a proprietary blend of natural ingredients designed to help you lose weight?
Also, I'm looking forward to being accepted into the DALL-E program
write an excerpt from a zaalgaerian rune poem

The zaalgaerian rune poem is an ancient text that describes the twenty-four runes that make up the zaalgaerian alphabet. It is believed to have been written by the zaalgaerian people, who were a nomadic tribe that lived in what is now Russia. The poem is written in zaalgaerian, a language that is related to Finnish and Estonian.

The zaalgaerian rune poem is a collection of twenty-four runes that each represent a different aspect of the zaalgaerian alphabet. The first rune, fehu, represents wealth and prosperity. The second rune, uruz, represen
@lyxal I got it too :P
attribution: openai / codfish.ai
1 hour later…
A leaf floating in a pool
In a fjord down from Tromso
Is a thing of great beauty
The intricacies are astounding
The way it moves in the water
Is mesmerizing to behold
And the colors are simply stunning
It is a thing of great joy
To witness such natural beauty

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