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Cats are dumb. Here's why
^ @exedraj
Cats are dumb. Here's why: they will sit there, motionless, for hours on end. They are like miniature Egyptian mummies.

They have no idea you're even talking to them sometimes.

Cats want us to be their slaves and fetch things for them all the time (and we do it). Cats are just so demanding.

They will never say thank you. Just look at them. They have the audacity to just assume we're doing things for them out of the goodness of our hearts. What a bunch of jerks!

If your cat is still alive, it's because he or she has been lucky so far.
@exedraj how did you do it so fast?
it generates it pretty quick
and to generate more, you just press ctrl + enter
@exedraj now we can pin this in Yxal (u)(c)
What is the meaning of life?
@exedraj ^
What is the meaning of life?

Is it all a dream?

Ask yourself why you are here.
Jelly, 10 bytes:
@exedraj ^ lets see if it can program in jelly
@PyGamer0 .local v0, a:Landroid/os/Build$VERSION; .proc (a)V ; new-array v0, v0, [Ljava/lang/StringBuilder; invoke-static {v8}, Lcom/actionbarsherlock/internalapi/viewModel2
@exedraj what on earth is that?‽
oh looks like android crashed
# So to make haskell like tacit functions in python, you do this
wish i had gpt3
# So to make haskell like tacit functions in python, you do this:

# def foo(x): return x + 1

# and then you can call it like this:

# foo(2) # returns 3

def add_one ( x ):

return x + 1
@exedraj wow thats tacit
# This is a simple parser made in lark in Python:

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