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7 hours later…
Draft: remove an element at an index from an array.
AIDraft: Given a list of integers L write a function that rotates the list in an anti-clockwise direction by k places (k >= 0).
AIDraft: Find the single most repeated character or word in a string with exactly 4 unique characters, e.g.: AAAAAAAAAAAABBBBCDDDEFFFFF -> B
AIDraft: From an unsorted integer array, find the first missing positive number. e.g.: [3,-1,2] --> 1 ; [-10204433, 545371683, 156929402] --> 1 ; [1,-2147483648] - > 2
AIDraft: Given an array of positive numbers and another non negative number x. Split the array in such a way that all elements less than or equals to x go before instances of x and then all elements greater than or equals to x
AIDraft: Print out every 5th number between 1 and 100000. e.g.: [1,6,11...
AIDraft: Given a positive integer N, output it's smallest and largest divisor other than 1. For example for 10 -> 2 & 5; 24-> 2 & 12 ; etc

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