Who are those persons voting to close everything as tech support? For example, this question. Sure, it may be off-topic and I for once do not understand what is asked, but it’s certainly not tech support.
It’s not so big a problem, if one person selects a bad close reason. It’s a problem, if four other people are willing to follow and leave the asker with no guidance whatsoever
Lately, more and more questions that are off-topic have garnered close votes with the 'tech support' reason, even when they obviously aren't. Examples here and here.
We have seen a definite increase in close votes, and I understand that they can be a hassle to vote on. I suspect that the reason ...
Lately, more and more questions that are off-topic have garnered close votes with the 'tech support' reason, even when they obviously aren't. Examples here and here.
We have seen a definite increase in close votes, and I understand that they can be a hassle to vote on. I suspect that the reason ...
@joojaa I was referring to outside of SE. I do not do anything that seems on-topic there. I probably have good qualifications, but I have no experience whatsoever.
@Wrzlprmft sure 2D, is on topic. There was a question where the the user wanted curvature based random distribution question for example. That could be in your alley for example
How can I distribute points over an implicit surface, to concentrate them more densely in areas of higher curvature?
I've considered adding points randomly and rejecting points not required based on the curvature, but I'd like to know if there is a better approach giving a more even distribution...
Tentative Proposal
The following is only an idea that certainly needs to be fleshed out but I want to share it with you nontheless. What if we drew a line between on-topic and off-topic as follows?
A question is off-topic, if it is not conceivable that any concepts, ideas or techniques from ...
Yes but you see when I expect you to know what a bezier handle is when asking a inkscape question. Now this is fine and dandy. But this expectation translates to a 3d object in a mapping that has many dimenisions. So a handle becomes a vertex, normal, vertex data like uv coordinates etc. It becomes hairy, The problem is that if illustrator has 50 or so basic concepts a 3d app can have 353 (sqrt(50)^3) basic concepts + you need to know most the concepts of 2d graphics. Therefore the same question that is valid in inkscape is nologer valid in 3D as it would require me to explain too much.
Okay, I understand. But is this really the problem we are facing with 3D? The word beginner does appear prominently in the recent discussion on 3D for example. Also, how does this relate to my proposal?
@joojaa I would rather discuss the criterion in general first. Putting an onus with respect to close reasons is a delicate issue and does not really affect the on-topicness.
@joojaa Note that the actual criterion is not long, only the explanation. I certainly do not suggest to cram all of this into a close reason or similar. Still, I agree that the criterion is too academic as it stands and identified this problem from the beginning.
This has been added recently to images, so they can be easily opened in another browser tab/window.
This does not happen with links - don't know where you encountered that.
Apologies if this is the wrong place for this question, it is my first time using a stack exchange site.
I have an employee who's role has evolved over time. She now almost exclusively works on internal jobs such as designing presentations for pitches, internal posters, designing our business c...
I'm having a problem with gimp, and I am not sure if this is the right place to ask the question.
If this is not within the scope of the community can anybody recommend any other communities where I can ask the question
On Thursdays at 15 UTC we're going to be hosting a weekly design challenge. Come in to Ink Spot
A random topic will be provided for people to design on. I'll host and pick topics the first few weeks but then open it up to anyone else who wants to throw out a topic.
It could be a logo, a new way...
I've determined my 11 month old believes he is a cat. He will motor back and forth like that cat, always tries to get in to the cat food (both wet and dry) and always chases the cats