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One of you guys really should go for the 150 bounty I posted :)
2 hours later…
@Scott Thanks. It's not very groundbreaking. It barely has any additional features compared to the normal tabs, for now, but at least it is pretty nice to navigate..
4 hours later…
@hkaube and to express hte sincerety of our welcome, welcome! :)
Ooo, I am so welcomed right now. Thanks @Vincent
welcome :)
(pun always intended)
@Darth_Vader you ever had a customer being unable to receive mail from cf7? While you yourself get everything just fine?
hey guys, I'm not sure if i should ask this here but here goes. I'm looking for an artist for my startup (UK based) to work on board/card/miniatures games. the artwork I need is more like concept work (illustrations for rule books and InDesign work) and I have literally no idea where to meet someone like this, any advice offered is greatly appreciated. Thanks
@Malekai Aside from offering a few places to look (subreddits, job boards, etc.) I'm pretty interested myself lol
But places I could recommend looking:
http://volley.works (might be invite only in which case I can prob get you one)
Or just leave :)
hello @hkaube
Hey there @joojaa
can you do me a favour? Im a bit overworked and have a mind full of stuff form sleep deprivation
can you check that
A: Remove transparency from semitransparent pixel

joojaaPhotoshop GUI is a bit unproductive for this problem. The data is there, its just extremely hidden*. The straight color can be read though its just a bit convoluted. If you need this often for whatever purpose record following action (I need this pretty often for 3D work): Preparation Hide laye...

my answer makes any sense or am i totally incoherrent?
@hkaube Please?
@Vincent hey
using unsuspecting victms as editors :P
hi there gents
@joojaa I guess it makes sense if I'd do the steps
That's a lot more reading than I can do atm sorry @joojaa
@Vincent seems on it tho
I just scanned
I'm a tad bit overworked as well
No problemo going to go to sleep...
sleep tight
Zzzz Zzzz z z ... z
3 hours later…
Any Flash users among us? I haven't touched it since ... Macromedia days. So lost in the interface
I use it every day
(to watch YouTube videos :P )
A: Most efficient way to adapt current mockups to different devices and resolutions

GiantCowFilmsYou're using photoshop, so I guess you probably are subscribed to adobe creative cloud, and therefore have access two Edge Reflow CC. Edge reflow was made for adaptive/responsive website designers, and is basically a tool to re-size web mock ups from photoshop. Each design will need some work in ...

Added in my advice... should I add a bit on using it?
I can't believe how little Flash I remember. This is going to be difficult
@joojaa awake again already?
hey @Ryan
I did some flash stuff just s few years back: bakabaka.nl/preview/yben
but I haven't used it since
@Vincent might be an issue with the database?
@Ryan what are you making?
fyi I likely won't be around too much for the next several weeks. I'll be in NYC talking to students about their religious beliefs!
@Vincent yes i just had a power nap
@Darth_Vader I really don't know, the mails do get sent, and from my preview domain everything was mighty fine.
@ZachSaucier good luck and good insight!
might be something on their end. They may have an issue with their email client. Tell them to check in their spam folder. You could always test with a new email address to see what would happen
thanks, been there :)
@ZachSaucier video
1 hour later…
... and my down vote count how now surpassed my up vote count... *sigh
@Scott eek!
1 hour later…
Wrzlprmft voted to close something, success!
close? heck I just down vote everything.. bwahahahaha

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