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12:04 PM
I have come across two terms where I am getting stuck up,they are ,"Redefinition of MSMEs", typically they have been used as a component of the AtmaNirbarBharat Yojna taken by our Prime Minister.MSME here stands for Micro,small and medium scale industries.What does it mean in the context.Also what is meant by commercialisation of mineral sector?A detailed insight into both is very much welcome.
@JohnRennie Sir can you help me out with this?
2 hours later…
1:56 PM
@RajorshiKoyal MSMEs are defined by how much money they turn over per year. If they turn over less than 250 crore they are considered a small business and they get extra assistance from the government.
The "redefinition" just means this limit on turnover has been increased recently.
I think "commercialisation of mineral sector" just means the government is encouraging coal mining. When I Googled the phrase I got lots of hits about India encouraging new coal mines.
1 hour later…
3:03 PM
@JohnRennie What is the utility if I increase the limit?
@RajorshiKoyal suppose you run a small company and the turnover is just below the cutoff for a MSME. If your company grows any more then you will go over the limit and then you'll lose the extra assistance that MSMEs get.
So you have a good reason not to grow your company.
ok but then the government should decrese the limit instead of increasing it
ok got you
But companies growing is how the standard of living increases because bigger companies employ more people, pay more tax, make more stuff, etc.
So anything that disincentivises growth is bad.
Very true..
1 hour later…
4:21 PM
@JohnRennie Sir what is Evergiven that blocked the Suez Canal?
Is it evergreen or evergiven?
There is a confusion..
What is GDP ?Can you explain in a very simple language?
Why do they refer to percentage GDP everytime please explain me this
"gross values added of all resident institutional units engaged in production"
Please explain this line
What is meant by National Asset Monetisation pipeline?

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