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Would you mind writing me a recommendation or something commenting on the work you've seen me do on this site over the past year
The whole thing is done online
you wouldn't have to write anything
I mean
write anything on paper, you wouldn't
@Ethan I don't think I have the status to do such thing.
I have no credibility whatsoever.
How long have you been studying math?
Hm, a bit over two years, maybe?
what? no you've been studying for longer then that*
When you say "studying"; what do you mean?
I mean past college preparatory mathematics
Perhaps on your own time
@Ethan Sure, but I began studying seriously not too long ago.
ah alright then
thanks anyway lol
At any rate, I don't think I'm the person indicated to write a recommendation letter.
I can assign
'other' reccomenders
pees/others/people you trust
alright then thanks anyway

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