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Q: Asymptotics of the differences between successive zeta zeros

martinDoes anyone know what the asymptotic of the differences between successive zeta zeros is? Update It appears that $\zeta(n)$ is not a bad asymptotic, when the data range is stretched: r = 3000; Show[ListPlot[(Differences[Table[Im[N[ZetaZero[n]]],{n, 1, r}]]), m = 100; ListLinePlot[Table[Ze...

3 hours later…
A: Asymptotics of the differences between successive zeta zeros

Mats GranvikSince you did not accept my first answer I am posting another different one: Add the imaginary part of the zeta function along the critical line, with the Franca-LeClair asymptotic of the non-trivial Riemann zeta zeros, to the derivative of Franca-LeClair asymptotic: $a(n)=$ $$\frac{\partial }{...

Blue dots are zeta zeros differences.
Red graph is the approximation.

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