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Q: How Can I Protect Medieval Villages From Plops?

AlendyiasAlright, so after creating my version of fantasy slimes (please see this and this for more on them, they're called Plops) I realized a problem with their basic physiology. You see, in medieval times (and the past in general) hygiene really wasn't a thing. People would just dump their garbage in t...

It might be helpful to answer a few basic questions about the plops - how fast do they move? How intelligent are they? Are there naturally hordes, or are you just assuming that the conditions of a medieval village will result in hordes? Unless they only recently showed up, you can expect that everyone is used to them and will have developed habits for dealing with them.
@RobWatts: thank you kindly, I will add that information.
Have they invented the Spoon yet?
@EDL: the Spoon? How would that save them? Plops are smart enough to get off the Spoon before the user can enact the Fateful Fling.
How do plop respond to fire? I'm thinking of starting a natural biofuel business ;D
@user6760: my OP states they avoid extreme temperatures since fire would dry out and destroy them (and ice similarly so). I'm not sure how their magic would affect the fire though....
Do you know the story of mr plopy and mrs plopy?
What a great format you made there on your question, i really like it. Good job
@Archerspk: thanks! It's my goal to post good questions, and that means good formatting.
What has prevented your entire ecosystem (trees, bushes, grasses, small animals, etc) from being converted into Plops?
@MichaelRichardson: Plops are slow, they are weak, and they don't like the taste of chlorophyll. They'll eat vegetation, but only if it's rotting.
So they won't eat growing plants, but what about animals? The entire biosphere would have to be drastically different so as not to have been consumed by these ubiquitous creatures. They are "slow" by which you mean slightly slower than a human at a full run but faster than a brisk walk - I would consider that rather fast to the point of outrunning the majority of animals (especially their young). Animal life would never survived.
@pluckedkiwi: not necessarily; what if they have dedicated predators and can't survive extreme hot or cold? That pretty well limits their habitable range and keeps their population in check. Also, while they might be faster than most animals, are they strong enough to not only engulf them but hold them inside? I don't think it'll be that bad, life finds a way.
Release this as a game...
@BrianDrummond: I didn't think of that, but thank you for the idea! I might actually make money off of that!
You consider octopi relatively primitive intelligence? You would be hard pressed to find many more intelligent predator hunting you in this world.
@DKNguyen: I know octopi are intelligent, but I'm pretty sure people are smarter. Who knows, I could be wrong.....why, do you think Plop with octopus intelligence will be too dangerous? Just you wait until I post the Plopup question!
@Alendyias Yeah. Too dangerous, especially if you make them social.
They're loners, actually, but if a certain gene is activated (like the one that turns grasshoppers into locusts) seven Plops will form a group and combine into one creature: the dreaded Plopup.
Why do you think medieval people threw their garbage in the street, or that hygiene was non-existent? It's a common misconception that in the medieval period everything was covered in sh*t.
"Who's that then?" "Dunno, must be a king" "Why?" "He hasn't got sh*t all over him".

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