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Hi everyone. I was invited to this chat room. I'm not sure by whom, or why, but I'm here for a few minutes if someone is trying to ask me a question or needs help on something.
I know there's a way to check invites but I got noooo idea why
@JourneymanGeek Yes, I thought there was a way too... but I don't remember how anymore... do you?
Nope :D
But I am poking to see
I might be confusing it with how many times I have invited people
@JourneymanGeek While we're both here, I noticed that the spam is still up, but doesn't seem as bad as a few weeks ago. Did filters improve, or did the spam just decrease?
@PatMyron Hi Pat! I noticed you are here, so I want to say hello to you. I have received quite a few of your recent edits in the review queues. Thanks for your edits. I've approved many of them and not approved others. My recommendation on making edits that require approval: focus on edits that are a sure thing, like content, tag edits, formatting, and spelling corrections. Don't worry about "thanks" or things that don't really affect the quality of the post. Just my thoughts though...
@AmazonDiesInDarkness I THINK volume dropped for us, but we've been very very aggressive with dealing with the spammers too
@Ramhound you might find 2 flags for spammy comments declined. There's nothing wrong with the flags, I have no other way to clear the flag for a comment on a spam deleted answer ._.
(my main gauge is community reporting - and I've not gotten as many big batches of report in the past week or two, and sd volumes seem less. Not sure if its the cause though, the spammers seem to massively hit one site, then move on)
16 hours later…
agree tag edits are more valuable than edits simply increasing signal-to-noise. Actually joined this chat to ask about that earlier since my [mac] / [macos] tag fixes were all rejected, while almost all my conciseness edits were approved:

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