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I'm getting the following error when I try to resize an external hard drive using diskutil. Does anyone know how to fix this error?
% diskutil coreStorage resizeStack D23BE9A8-96EF-4F32-B1E8-5847BBC3JE24 83949393-EADC-44DB-9398-E03BC17E75CB 1T ExFAT New 0
The Core Storage Logical Volume UUID is D23BE9A8-96EF-4F32-B1E8-5847BBC3JE24
Started CoreStorage operation
Checking prerequisites for resizing Logical-Physical volume stack
Shrinking Logical-Physical volume stack
Verifying file system
Volume was successfully unmounted
Performing fsck_hfs -fn -x /dev/rdisk3
Checking Journaled HFS Plus volume
Detected a case-sensitive volume
@BlackPanther Please ask a question on the main site.
@DavidPostill Ok, thanks I will try to.
To the room tagline........ Certain things are too precious to back up. Just ask Morpheus.
@BlackPanther Pretty self explanatory, isn't it: "Unable to perform your specific resize request while busy encrypting" ... Maybe just wait for it to finish its background encryption.... perhaps you just formatted it? Could take a day or so to fill the whole formatted drive with noise, I guess...
@XKCD OMW. That I need to explainXKCD this...
Check the dates
(in the comic)
and it all becomes apparent
if you'll pardon the pun

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