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A lot of people are speculating that he was killed off because he could implicate some very powerful figures. Idk what to think of it. He definitely should have been on suicide watch since he'd attempted suicide just a few days prior. Also, they say that the the camera in the cell was not working? C'mon, seriously?
Watch this video. He was given the "plea deal of the century". It's ridiculous how anyone with a decent chunk of money appears to basically be above the law.
2 hours later…
nope, this will not go away by monday
as the minimum I give it a week (it might go away when the next news-cycle ends on friday)
2 hours later…
@djsmiley2k That's a dangerous line of thought
In a different set of circumstances, I could see someone completely innocent being charged with something especially heinous killing themselves
In fact, ISTR that happening to some promising programmer 10-15 years ago
Ah, not quite so long ago
Aaron Swartz
Anyway, Epstein seems to have been a terrible, awful person
@rahuldottech our socioeconomic system revolves around money
if you have money and contacts, you are above the law.
2 hours later…
@bertieb oh god yes, only applies in this specific situation.
So either he was killed by someone who isn't already suspected....
or someone who's not as implicated as they could be.
@djsmiley2k quite honestly - I could see someone like that offing themselves
folks used to ... well impunity and getting away with anything are not used to well... losing
@JourneymanGeek eactly.
Not putting him on suicide watch is... fishy
i think it's far more likely, that a secret cover up.
well yeah
but it might be that or some convinct...
'he's got too much to lose'
@djsmiley2k well, he might not have fallen out a second floor window twice by accident but...
Seems awfully negligent
because prisons in america are soooooooooo well run?
"he stabbed himself" "In the back... 27 times?" "Yeah, these things happen"
what did he actually do?
i don't know details
i'm guessing hanging, that's the 'normal' way
@djsmiley2k well - no one does
but if there was a coverup, it would, well, be less obvious I'd think
the trial isn't til 2020
kill him at christmas 2019, while the queen is dying or something
and no one would even remember
eh, or he just has a heart attack or pulminary embolism
maybe in the middle of the US election
killing him, while it's like the 'biggest' thingi n the news, is just.... untidy.
or his transport comes down in the ocean or something
I think its the same reason a51 probably does not have aliens.
the irony would not be lost there.
@JourneymanGeek nod, far too obvious.
The aliens are in canada.
Cause people are typically too incompetant to keep a secret
they must be doing something with all that space.
naw, stratergic maple syrup and sasquach reserves.
2 hours later…
I have Razer DeathAdder mouse and my left button double-clicks or does not register click. That's until I blow air under left mouse button which temporarily solves it for me. Maybe I should disassemble it to properly clean the clicking mechanism with isopropyl alcohol? I like this mouse.
vulpin down#
@bertieb Aaron Swartz
Oh yeah, you mentioned him
Sorry, only just catching up on the transcript
@JourneymanGeek @djsmiley2k apparently he died the same day that some major file was going to be unsealed or something
Which apparently had the potential to implicate some powerful figures. Hence all the conspiracy theories about it.
@rahuldottech So killing him has stopped that?
the file exists, information finds a way.
@rahuldottech what do you think killing him will have achieved exactly?
If anything, it's given the whole thing MORE publicity
my wife hadn't heard of him until the news of his sucide
It pretty much wasn't a thing in the rest of the world.
So it's just gone from US based news story, to world wide.
That's not the kind of move someone wanting to hide it, would of done now, is it?
why does my laptop want to reboot for a 3rd time D:
Anyone can recommend a good mouse with durable buttons? There are so many brands these days.
@djsmiley2k Yes, since there is no longer a case
@djsmiley2k It doesn't when it comes to rich folks
@rahuldottech I feel bad for forgetting his name, his case was awful :-\
@rahuldottech A case can still be investigated even if someone is deceased
@bertieb True, I don't know the specifics in this case, it's just what I read somewhere. I should be better informed, but honestly I'm sickened by the whole situation so I'm not doing any further research on it
Can't put a corpse in prison (well, would be Pratchett-esque), but you can investigate things
It really was :(
He's defo one of my inspirations.
Fair enough
There's enough pressure that something will have to be done
Bound to be a few folks who get caught in whatever they were tied up with
Maybe not all, though
@rahuldottech Agreed, he was inspirational for achieving so much at a young age
1 hour later…
I have a CCTV camera and a DVR (?? might be wrong term) that has a horrible app that logs into it, to record the footage.
The camera appears to be Cat5'd into the DVR. I don't know if it's PoE or not. The model of the DVR is a Hikvision, I don't really know more than this.
I'm wondering if there's some 'simple' tests I can do to 1. get that camera steam some how.
I'm happy enough to plug the camera directly into a network, or something like a raspi, but I've no idea if this is a sane idea or not.
nmap'ed the dvr, rtsp is open \o/ need the username nad password tho
I have 'some' idea what it is, but the application we have which logs into it, doesn't show you :/
Nota bene: I'm starting a new full-time job on August 19, so I might not be around for much of the day. I'll still try to pop in as time permits, so feel free to ping me if you need anything.
(please pin)
You already told us this.
We don't really need to pin your work schedule to a worldwide public room.
Sorry, was wondering if anyone wanted this pinned.
@djsmiley2k fron experience it can be a kinda ghetto Poe - 12v power is used but simply injected in - using standard psus
@chrylis, iPhones have IR filters, which make them useless for checking battery quality on old IR remote controls. — Nathan Goings 2 days ago
I wonder how many batteries/remotes were considered faulty because this trick failed...
Basic multimeters are cheap and will reliably tell you if your batteries need to be replaced.
Yes, but I don't carry a multimeter around with me in my pocket.
A multimeter is also not likely to tell me that my remote is broken when I know the batteries are good.
Or that only certain buttons on my remote work after the kids threw it in the toilet.

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