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Crap, I think I'm actually stuck on 14...
@DarthAndroid One of the small perks of being an official government worker is that they don't fire you. Like, ever. (Well, technically they can. But is rare. And a lot of paperwork. It takes 3 years to reach "stability". But even before then, it's quite rare.)
Ooooooh. Wow.
Oh come on.
I know nothing about canvas :P
@allquixotic: would a NUC Usb boot?
I'm kinda considering saving for one, but I suspect getting a suitable boot drive might take a while
@JourneymanGeek I'm certain it would; that's how I installed my OS
it's a standard desktop-like BIOS
not quite as customizable as an ASUS (ASUS includes absolutely everything on their enthusiast mobos) but it has a lot of settings even still
ahh, good
yeah, asus biosen are overwhelming in a good way ;p
@Bob I defined an "antiAttackDrone" that seeks out attack drones and blocks them in, and put one on all four sides of the attack drone so he gets surrounded and can't chase me :) most complicated solution ever
I guess that's how I think: complicated
@allquixotic Hey, did someone just ping me? >
if you need a ringing endorsement of my helping-people-spec-systems efforts, just ask @BGM ;-) i've helped him with two systems now
@allquixotic Heh. Least effort here. I'm lazy. :P
Currently on the mario one
@BGM I pinged you several hours ago, not "just"
and I wasn't exactly expecting a response
was just mentioning to some other guy that I helped you before
helped that guy decide on a CPU
Several hours? Oh - the alerts don't arrive for 3 hours, that's right. Well, I'll attest that you are very knowledgeable, helpful, and kind! In fact, I am always surprised to see that you know what you know!
@BGM somehow he didn't even need you or @Bob here to back me up to decide to take my advice ;p
@Bob is another really knowledgeable fellow, in fact. I am also impressed at y'all's patience. If you ask me, I'm going to be all praise here... I guess that fellow saw that you know what you are talking about.
I'm still dealing with the aftermath of the Heartbleed OpenSSL bug, here
I was reading about that today - that's a linux issue, isn't it?
@BGM @JourneymanGeek too!
and me, apparently but I missed all of it ;p
and I'm not entirely awake
@BGM yeah, it's a "Linux issue", but actually, OpenSSL is a software library that has its roots in the BSD UNIX operating systems
@BGM openssl
used on Android, too
and some programs on Windows
It's a library, pretty commonly used.
OpenSSL has large deployments on Android, desktop and server Linux, "the BSD family", and perhaps even some software on Mac OS X
@allquixotic I've spoken to him before too (yes I see him here). You are the folks I expect to see, in fact. There's another couple fellows too.
the code is VERY portable, so any environment with POSIX semantics (or even Win32 semantics) could be using it
I wonder if NGINX on Windows uses OpenSSL
> * After all, you're a tenured professor with a well-respected
* history of research - you probably don't know jQuery!
"fortunately" (or luckily, since this kinda thing could happen to anyone in theory) the Microsoft stack you're running is extremely unlikely to use openSSL @BGM
the next thing like this could in principle be in Microsoft's stuff; nothing really stopping it from being that :/
Ok, the DOM level is weird.
Trying to figure out where to start :P
All right, well, I just came to say hello. I have to go now. See you all later! (Maybe tomorrow - I have a third system for you all to help me with if you're willing).
see ya later, might see you tomorrow about that third system
I REALLY wish google play books would let you open local files on a phone
@nhinkle Could you hold this one too, the guy is not getting it: superuser.com/questions/739898/which-monitor-is-better
whoa @Bob O_O TIL
SHA-2 is a set of cryptographic hash functions (SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512, SHA-512/224, SHA-512/256) designed by the U.S. National Security Agency (NSA) and published in 2001 by the NIST as a U.S. Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS). SHA stands for Secure Hash Algorithm. SHA-2 includes a significant number of changes from its predecessor, SHA-1. SHA-2 currently consists of a set of six hash functions with digests that are 224, 256, 384 or 512 bits. SHA-256 and SHA-512 are novel hash functions computed with 32 and 64-bit words, respectively. They use different shift am...
the performance comparison numbers on Ivy Bridge between x86 and x86_64 O_O
x86_64 is like 2 to 5 times faster than x86
Yea, that kinda makes sense.
pretty awesome... I guess it doesn't matter unless you're doing very high throughput crypto though
A bit more than I would've expected, but it's well-known that long mode offers performance boosts for wide integer arithmetic.
wait, if something like Spotify cryptos their whole media stream, then you are doing fairly high throughput crypto
that could make a big difference :)
also, dosen't IB have some subprocessor for AES operations?
@allquixotic Hash functions wouldn't be used for that purpose.
And AES-NI is better for symmetric encryption :P
@JourneymanGeek AES-NI. Hardware implementation of AES.
@Bob hash functions are used in the SSL handshake though right?
@allquixotic I... don't think so?
@Bob the HMAC is based on a hash function, see the rfc
the HMAC is for message integrity... it's what prevents people from flipping a bit undetectably in the message body
(I think)
so I guess the large data payload of a long-running SSL/TLS connection would primarily rely on AES-NI for hardware acceleration (if available), while the acceleration provided by x86_64 of the hash would only affect the very start of the transaction
you would have to make... a lot of completely separate SSL handshakes for that to matter
on a server I can see that mattering. on a desktop, no
I'm making a SHA2 key with 4096 key length :D :D :D total overkill
my poor little laptop is having to generate the CSR while doing a windows update, on battery power... lol
@allquixotic I was trying to generate a 2048-bit GPG key... on a server.
That was painful.
Not enough entropy...
i'm moving around on my touchpad. tons of entropy
they consider mouse entropy to be fairly high quality, IIRC. and that's okay with me because i was just kinda moving it around somewhat unthinkingly, flipping between tabs, checking windows update, etc
Ok, the boss fight is confusing me.
How does one destroy the boss.. hmm.
I wonder if I can write a block on top of it.
@Torben Gundtofte-Bruun there are at least 2 beastly coolers out for the 1150 socket that could air cool a standard non-overclocked haswell cpu almost without a fan. the noctura something 14 , a beastly heavy weight , and prolima weird half up half horizontal thing. Both of them in the $79 range, both could use 120mm fans.
I just go Find the "latests" wizz bang high end cooler that was tested at toms hardware. And the difference in cooling with the same noise, is oddly different. It must have to do some with proper tuning of the fluid (the so little liquid) in the heat pipes.
Some very similar Looking and weighing items, can have so totally disimilar ability to extract the heat.
@Bob I just learned from Wikipedia that the IGP in the Bay Trail-M chipset (which is what I have in my Yoga 2) is OpenGL ES 3.0 certified on Android, and there's a driver...
very, very tempted to attempt an Android-x86 install and dual boot
500 gig HDD, which for my use is plenty enough... I could shrink Windows easily to 300 GB
not sure if Google would let me use the Play Store, though. that much will be rough. since my app purchases are there
Oh yea.
@allquixotic I was looking through a catalogue of a local store. They had quite a few Atom tablets, running Android.
So, yea. The upcoming SoCs for phones should be pretty easy on the software side.
this box is basically the same CPU architecture as those, except it has a permanently attached keyboard and trackpad
(Still have to do the modem, etc., but at least the base OS should be fine)
I just want to see someone hack full Windows onto a phone :P
also, the same CPU design being used in this Bay Trail-M laptop is also planned to be basically shrunken down and cooled off (in terms of clock rate, basically, for the sake of power) and shipped in phones... so whatever ends up being done on Android-x86 will benefit my system too
what would be cool is if Intel (or a bunch of hackers) get a nice KitKat ROM going for Atom/BayTrail laptops
"Manufacturer being an arsehole and won't ship dual boot Android? just download this!"
although Android on a HDD will probably be like "wut... why is my seek rate so slow :/"
the little android character guy will get all confused
"this seek is taking 20 years longer than I expected!"
@allquixotic "wtf am I supposed to do with all this RAM?"
@Bob LOL
that too
@CanadianLuke Finished! :P
The convo needed pictures :-)
Q: Premiere Pro Files Randomly Fail with "Project contained a sequence that could not be opened"

CosineOk, so I have Premiere Pro CS6. I should say right up front that I've been having trouble with my Production Premium Licensing: It asks me constantly for my License Number. (I have an icon on my desktop which automatically copies it to my clipboard to save me hassle.) I've worked for days on a pr...

How Do I tell this guy that Adobees premiere program , makes perfect "demos" and then fails at everything else randomly every time , no mater what you do ? Without being mean to adobee for having the same crappy buggs in the program for 15 years straight , and since adding in 150 more features.
It's not like he asked for a software recommendation, but he should go to a pro video site and get one.
@Psycogeek "Oh and we can't only open 1% of common video formats"
@Paul Dats cause its perfessional :-)
Not much of the "pro" stuff will easily drop in any ol video stuff. and "pros" know you supposed to re-encode everything into "special" codecs that are completly (cough cough) lossless and solves everything, then export it too in one of 3 possible formats , before it gets completely re-converted again for final delivery. It all makes perfect sence . . . to professionals.
Someday the developers will have augmentation, then i really can shove thier new codec up thier butts :-)
@Paul looks like it got held. He's q-banned now so we should be good now :)
@Psycogeek Yes, frustrating as all get-out. I end up using Blender even though it isn't optimal for NLE, at least you can open the goddamn clips with it
I am now using Edius, grass valley stuff (was CanOPus). it is no less complex, only some "other codecs" are supported fully, but i am finnaly free of the bugs premiere had that only hit when deep in a full project.
/me wants KSP to include more stuff from ^^
I missed this one ._.
> Your browser seems to be running slower than usual
is that a plugin?
@HackToHell builtin, cool
What's your startup times people ?
this is on my laptop
on my puny underpowered work desktop
I should remove some addons
The worst my desktop does is 3 seconds
but yanno. If it didn't... ;p
2 hours later…
Startup time is lower than 5 seconds in Ubuntu in the same system
Any good transliteration/phonetic typing software for Windows?
I don't want to keep Google Translate tab open and look for it every time.
My startup times are ridiculously low for the amount of tabs :P
Though, last month was probably more interesting.
Hahah! I'm so witty!
Oooh interesting changes are coming to a Stack Exchange community near you O__O
I have a question:
How dangerous is it to store sensitive credentials in Google Keep, Google Task, Google Docs/Drive?
This is both a technical and political question.
All these services are accessed through HTTPS, however Google employees could access them.
The Privacy Policy of Google for those services is also a strong concern, any help understanding what's a stake here?
I just wanna know if other Super Users are regularly storing password or password-grade data into their Google account and how do you feel about it?
@admin: As with everything, its a matter of proportion, and enlightened self interest.
Google wouldn't give access to sensitive stuff to just anyone
And its easier for a state-actor to actually steal your password
personally I'd rather not store stuff like that on something I don't control without decent encryption
"And its easier for a state-actor to actually steal your password" is it really? stealing password requires really high skills
@admin: not really
Your security is probably worse than google's ;p
Hell, if I was running anything sensitive on my own systems I'd be running around like a headless chicken
@allquixotic: there's already a x86 android fork you can install ;p
Hmmm that's a moot point. My local data is encrypted with TrueCrypt in a hidden container
@JourneymanGeek Hmmm that's a moot point. My local data is encrypted with TrueCrypt in a hidden container
As someone who is trained in the theory of securing data, you wouldn't generally give access to just about anyone
and ideally you'd need a second person in the loop
@JourneymanGeek enough people, though
social engineering attacks work alarmingly often
@Bob: hence my mention of decent encryption
@JourneymanGeek google employees can probably bypass the encryption
@Bob: I mean your own
I wouldn't store a plain text file of passwords on say, dropbox or google services.
@JourneymanGeek ah.
I'd consider storing an encypted file of it if I needed a backup
My current KeyPass db is on DropBox
I have my firefox password data in a an encrypted zip file in OneDrive
Local keyfile + master password, which should be more than decent.
cat /dev/random > ~/Google Drive/secrets.dat ...it drives them mad ;P
I memorise my password ;p
@OliverSalzburg: oh, thats for level 2 paranoia
when I'm sure someone is trying to track me.
@JourneymanGeek That's the worst. It implies you have one (or a limited set of) passwords.
@Bob: erm, about half a dozen, and varients
Also, I have everything tied into three sets of services it seems
Humm new RAM arrived
fun fun
I'm waiting on my el-cheapo USB keys ;p
I'm waiting for more RAM and the SSDs! 8D
lol. I have ... two systems to rebuild
my file server and the shared desktop
And you're rebuilding them... with USB keys?
@OliverSalzburg people still use CDs? :P
@JourneymanGeek they might have SD cards internally :P
@OliverSalzburg: The storage box will be booting entirely off a USB key.
@MichaelFrank Oh, for the OS installation! Yeah, that makes sense ;D
@JourneymanGeek Is it a FreeNAS? O_O
I figure since they're on the way I might as well use the other one for a windows install
@JourneymanGeek if it's cheap, prolly won't last long
@OliverSalzburg: oddly no. Ubuntu
@Bob: I'm hardly going to have any writes on it
I'll have swap (and I hardly need any swap) on the spinning rust drive
Can anyone recommend a low-profile graphics card with dual DVI?
@OliverSalzburg usage?
Does it have to be DVI, or is HDMI and/or VGA also acceptable?
Most motherboards now come with DVI + one or both of the others.
And they work fine with dual-display.
Well, I would prefer two DVI outs. The ones I'm looking at right now have HDMI+VGA+DVI
@OliverSalzburg You don't even need a card.
There is DVI+VGA on board on the machine
Then use that ;)
I don't like VGA :(
Unless you need particularly long cables or very high resolutions (>1080p), VGA should be fine.
It reminds me of the old days where displays weighed as much as a big tower case full of HDDs
The client already uses multiple inputs on his displays. I don't know which though. I wouldn't want to get there and find out that we can't hook up everything due to a lack of connectors
And his previous machine used two DVI connectors
@OliverSalzburg You can trivially adapt HDMI to DVI-D
And most monitors take DVI-D and DVI-A
@Bob Yeah, but then I'd still need a card with HDMI
...which wouldn't be 2xDVI. Okay, yeah, I get it ;D
I seem to think you need a 2 slot card for 2x dvi
@OliverSalzburg newegg.com/Product/…
How much performance do you need? :P
@Bob Are you saying any of those will do? Because I'm looking at a similar list on Amazon right now
@Bob I don't know. And if I would ask my client, he'd tell me to tell him :P
This is almost 100% for office applications and web browsing
So, silent would probably be preferred over performance ;D
No idea about AMD, but with Nvidia any GT 4xx, 5xx or 6xx should be fine
x3x+ is better, obviously, but more costly
x1x is workable
I don't do low profile cards XD
I believe my brother uses a 630, and he does some gaming :P
@JourneymanGeek Ya, not much choice there :\
low profile? Can't beat a HD7750 ;D
I'm looking at a GTX650 right now which looks like it's as big as a pack of smokes
the 650s are pretty small
DO NOT get a passively cooled one
IIRC they're 2 slot tho
@OliverSalzburg Here's a list of 2xDVI low profiles: newegg.com/Product/…
@OliverSalzburg That's probably far into overkill :P
@JourneymanGeek Yeah, but that would be fine. Why no passive cooling?
MUCH bigger
See if you can find a 640
Eh, if it works.
Ideally something that follows the reference design
Also probably overkill.
@Bob: Thats a wierd looking card
@JourneymanGeek Remember, low-profile?
@Bob Looks big. Might be a problem length wise
@OliverSalzburg: half height then?
@JourneymanGeek Well, yeah. They must be half height. But also short ;D
Yea, all GeForce GT cards beat the HD 3000
which is a good point of reference for "decent for general office"
meh. And must come with a bundled pony ;p
The 640 isn't on Prime :\
Looks good though
Again - you really don't need a 640 :\
Well, I would prefer to get that HD6450, which is on Prime and looks like it'll fit perfectly. And it's passively cooled :P
And 2xDVI (yay)
@OliverSalzburg Ok, that one is underpowered compared to the HD 3000 O_O
@Bob Are you referring to the Intel HD Graphics or a Radeon card? :D
@OliverSalzburg The Radeon.
I'm not finding anything for "HD 3000" on Amazon
@OliverSalzburg Intel HD 3000.
I'm getting mixed signals here!
I'm using it as a point of reference because it performs well in an office environment.
@OliverSalzburg Integrated graphics.
Well, would the card be better than HD 2000? Because that's what's on-board
Just get an HD7750. :)
@OliverSalzburg shrug possibly, but that's not on the list
@OliverSalzburg Probably slightly better.
@MichaelFrank Sure, if you want to burn power.
And have a noisy machine.
My HD7750 is not noisy at all... o.O
@MichaelFrank It's noisier than a passively cooled GPU, or an IGP.
Meh. I still htink you can just convert the VGA to a DVI-A, @OliverSalzburg :P
But either way works.
I don't think I've ever converted from VGA to DVI. Only the other way around
@OliverSalzburg We're currently doing exactly that in our office.
Dual displays from onboard graphics (both Sandy and Ivy, and some newer Haswell)
it works well.
how do i know if i have MS SQL SERVER 32bit or 64bit installed?
its 2012 version
So I wanted to sync my TrueCrypt container with Google Drive however each time that I make any change to any of the files inside my 10 GB container, Google Drive will re-upload the whole 10 GB!!!! I'm syncing this same container with dropbox and it only upload a few MB corresponding to the changed bytes. What are your thoughts?
@admin Search for "google drive delta sync"
but what if i cant start my SQL Server
i think i uninstalled some parts of it so now its impossible to run it without them
@Bob Thanks. So there is no solution for this right? Only solution is to NOT use Google Drive. Dropbox is much more expensive so I'm looking for another solution, I am already using Amazon S3, is delta sync possible with it? Eventually via DragonDisk software?
@admin Yea, no real solution. You're relying on their client supporting it.
I'm not familiar with S3.
@Bob Yeah that sucks...
@Bob Okay, I'm listening to reason. I just bought an adapter :P
@OliverSalzburg The only catch is you want to make sure the monitor takes DVI-A/DVI-I :S
(I've yet to come across one that doesn't, but I'm sure they exist)
Actually, usually would be cheaper/easier to just get a VGA cable and use that input, if the monitor has one. Again, they almost always do.
Safer bet, since I'm sure there's monitors that only take DVI-D on the DVI port and require DVI-A and VGA to go to a VGA port.
Actually, seems DVI-D connectors on the monitor side are very common...
@OliverSalzburg Yeeaaaa... you might want to cancel that :(
@Bob Yeah, I bet it does. But my fear was that the docking station that's also connected to the display is using VGA and we can't switch it around or something
I was just on the phone with the client. His HDD died yesterday, machine wouldn't boot. I told him it's fucked but he may try to turn it off and on a couple of times over the day, maybe it'll work one last time and he can save his data. He tried, drive was still busted
So he takes the whole machine to some local computer shop and tells them about the problem. They hook the thing up and it boots right away
@OliverSalzburg gutted
But they're just imaging the drive now and we'll set up the new machine anyway
@OliverSalzburg Well, shit.
Back to the video card option? :P
Or, if the mobo had DVI + HDMI... bleh.
We're going to try to make due with what we have now. If he really needs the extra card, I'll get it
I'm now trying to figure out how to get Windows 8 for this machine. This upgrade-only policy on the Windows Store is so maddening
@OliverSalzburg Slap an old copy of XP on there first ;)
I don't understand it. I purchased an upgrade on the first day it was available. You can download an ISO and install Windows 8 on a fresh computer with no problems. So, why exactly aren't they simply selling the keys to everyone?
But we're now going to wait for the computer shop people to finish the imaging, then take the resulting drive and copy it over to the new SSD and then try to upgrade that to Windows 8
Let's see how that goes
wtf. I tried to send out the Mac I sold through the Ebay interface yesterday. Their website was fucked (as always) and only showed me a gray overlay when I tried to order the DHL shipping thing
So I refreshed the site, tried in another browser. Nothing helped
Today I see that I apparently ordered 5 shipping labels and paid for them via PayPal
I guess this is one of the benefits of linking your PayPal and Ebay accounts
@Bob check the server cert on my website (that I sent you before) now :D
nice green https :D (not a green bar, though; it's not EV)
IIRC, for non-identity-verified certificates, you get a white https with a padlock icon; for identity-verified certificates, you get a green https with a padlock; for EV certs, the whole bar turns green
so technically what I have is more "assured" than, say, a free StartSSL cert
@OliverSalzburg: windows 7 trial, then 8 atop of that?
@JourneymanGeek Does that work? Using a trial
@allquixotic FF doesn't do green
> This web site does not supply ownership information.
I don't think it can distinguish between StartCom Free and Identity-verified
No idea. I have an iso. I suppose it's worth looking into :p
@Bob wat? it told me it was identity-verified in Chrome O_O
that sucks. Firefox!!!!
What site is this?
@OliverSalzburg my site :P
i try not to publicize it because i don't have a blog up or anything interesting (used to, but not any more)
it's pretty much a file storage and media streaming box now... oh and all the other VMs for other purposes... but the container that's "for me" is kinda sorta idle
all my interesting stuff is on github/bitbucket/launchpad now
Are we GitHub buddies?
Yes, we are. Everything is good
I don't think I have any "github buddies"
I remember seeing your Spotify thing, which made me think "Hey, maybe I should get one of those Premium accounts and just download all the things"
Which I then promptly did
@OliverSalzburg :D you used my Spotify downloader?
@allquixotic No, I didn't have a developer API key. I used a different one
getting a developer key is free for premium users though
Would you guys say that Sublime Text is comparable to BBEdit or Text Wrangler, in terms of features and ease of use?
I haven't used any of those :P
What's your favorite editor?
I don't think I have one
@OliverSalzburg Well what do you use then?... pencil and a pen? :D
Hehe... that's so old school...
WebStorm, Visual Studio, PhpStorm, Notepad++, UltraEdit, Notepad2, MarkdownPad2 depending on what I need to do
Does any of you guys write code on a piece of paper?... and then type it in?
Oh, and vi of course :P
OK, I see only one... two, three... text editors there.
Notepad++, Notepad2, and UltraEdit
The other ones are IDE right?
I know VS is but don't know about the other two.
I like Notepad++ and it's mainly what I use. What I'm trying to learn now... I don't do much coding actually. Not as much as I would like to. There is a lot of things you can do with Notepad++.
@sammyg The line between IDE and editor seems to be very thin these days
True... but what editor can help me type HTML/CSS/JS faster, cleaner, with intellisense, auto complete, auto end tag, etc.
I haven't explored Notepad++ very much but it seems to be lacking a bit in terms of auto complete and such.
@sammyg I do all the HTML/CSS/JS work in WebStorm. Pretty sweet IDE IMHO
@sammyg: check out sublime text
Can you make Notepad++ use space characters instead of tab for indentation? Like you press Tab and it adds 5 space characters, instead of adding actual tab character.
@sammyg Yes.
OK, cool, looks like I have more to explore in Notepad++.
@JourneymanGeek I'm pretty sure that was his original question ;)
@OliverSalzburg I will definitely check out WebStorm.
Which I obviously missed ;p
Thanks guys! :)
Yay. SSDs just arrived
that was fast o0
A little help with RAM would be great here! superuser.com/q/740125/182708
00:00 - 15:0015:00 - 00:00

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