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OS X Mavericks is here, awesome
Looks like a worthwhile update too
> /usr/sbin/grub-setup: warn: Attempting to install GRUB to a partitionless disk or to a partition. This is a BAD idea..
> /usr/sbin/grub-setup: warn: Embedding is not possible. GRUB can only be installed in this setup by using blocklists. However, blocklists are UNRELIABLE and their use is discouraged..
> Installation finished. **No error reported.**
I know warn != err... but... still!
@terdon I am from the UK and would not equate "bloody" to "fucking" by any stretch - I don't know anyone that would (aside from yourself now :). If you put "fucking" at one end of the continuum, "bloody" would be at the other end, near "blimmin" or "flipping" or "damn"
@Paul well, that was my original thought as well but I ran into trouble using it as I said. Would you use it in a comment to a SU user?
As in "read the bloody manual"? Agreed it is not as bad as RTFM but I would still consider it too vulgar to be used in this context.
Wow, if you were ever to speak to me you might be shocked, I sound like some kind of over-sensitive twit but fucking and bloody are in most sentences I speak. I just don't write them.
@terdon wait, there is a RTBM?
@terdon Hennes was clearly frustrated in the response, so I guess "bloody" is a mild way to demonstrate that. I would say that the rule of thumb here should to always try to remain polite even in the face of maximum stupidity :) Ie, it isn't so much about what word is used, but tone in general.
technology advance so fast... :S
<======== "face of maximum stupidity"
@Paul Absolutely, and I completely agree with Hennes's attitude and share his frustration. It was a ridiculous question and read the fucking manual would be a perfectly appropriate response. If Hennes were a native English speaker I would not have batted an eye but since he's not (despite his excellent English) I thought I'd point out that the word can actually be taken as offensive.
@Braiam are you pointing at your avatar?
@terdon Sure - I don't see anything wrong with your pointing out it can be offensive - expletives are intended to be just that after all. I was just pointing out that it is as mild as it gets in my opinion.
@Paul interesting. Where are you from? Perhaps it's regional.
@terdon London :)
I picked bloody up while at uni in York and was happily throwing it at everyone until someone (perhaps older) was shocked by it.
London has plenty of regions all of its own though of course
Hmmm, I think I feel an English Language & Usage question coming up.
@Paul I'm just thankful you're writing and I don't need to decipher your accent :)
I am in Melbourne these days, so my accent has become a hideous mess
Joking of course, most London accents are quite understandable really, as long as they're not cokney
Are you from York then?
Heh, not at all, I'm a weird mix. My Dad's from the US, my mother from Greece, I grew up in Greece till I was 18, went off to York then Spain now France. I'm a native English speaker but with one of the strangest accents you've heard :)
I used to get all sorts of weird looks in the UK. You brits are used to placing people to within a km of their home town, they never knew what to make of me.
@terdon Heh. Well if you picked up any Yorkshire accent into that mix then I cannot fathom how that would turn out
poor @terdon, was bullied :P
@Paul no, all I got from York was the ability to understand them, not emulate them. Still can't get Newcastle though, even worse than Glasgow.
@Braiam not at all, I just enjoyed seeing people squirm. Accents are very important in the UK and it makes some people uncomfortable when they can't quite place you.
wait, what? if they doesn't know from where I am they feel restless?
*starts packing just to pick on some brits*
@Braiam no, it just applies to people who sound like they might be from the UK or at least the English speaking world. The UK has an incredible variety of regional accents and they also vary by social class and background. You can often identify the town (not even region) or, in the case of London, the neighborhood where someone was raised just by hearing their accent.
So Windows 8.1 is perfect, except the touchpad.
@Mr.IDon'tCare please, don't let @Bob see you :P
I have to tap at different parts of the touchpad because sometimes it doesn't register a single click like it used to back in Windows 7.
@Braiam Why?
as the name says... just grandioso :P
@terdon Yeah, and accent is an important part of self-identity too for UKians. I have met people here in Australia, who have lived here for years and their accent hasn't seemed to change at all. When I ask them, they do regard it as important. Personally, I don't give a crap.
in my country we change our speech patterns and accent to adapt ourself to foreign lands and feel accepted
@Braiam that really doesn't sound like no error reported lol
@Braiam yes, everyone does that. It is very hard to keep your accent unchanged when living abroad. Nevertheless, I bet you can recognize an Argentinian or a Uruguayan (not tell them apart, of course) the moment they open their mouth.
@terdon Unless they're both James Carville
Missing a reference there.
Apr 9 at 23:24, by Oliver Salzburg
@dashboard I'm usually not in the habit of trolling people on this site ;)
@terdon I hate when that happens! Did you try apt-get?
@JimmyHoffa getting more and more lost. It was your reference to Carville that I didn't get.
@terdon It's only compatible with Dembuntu, don't worry about it.
OK, getting back to more familiar ground there. Unfortunately, I steer clear of both donkeys and elephants since I see very little to recommend either of them.
@terdon got any idea how to "install" debian into a usb? I tried this (from step 3, since I already had the iso) but the grub decided to troll me
mm... wait... I maybe should install grub into a separated partition... mm....
@Braiam yeah, I saw the warnings you posted. What is the current situation?
Ad no, I haven't tried it myself but I might be able to help you troubleshoot it
I would recommend you also have a look here:
mm... no, I just remade the MBR table again... will try again... but heck it takes long time
@terdon the thing is that I want "persistence" like installing into a HDD but in the usb ;)
OK, they have a whole section on that at pendrivelinux
hm, thats not good
the home server dropped out
its till running physically, but none of the services on it seem to be contactable
hm, wireless dropped out totally
neh cool
Got Mavericks, seems like a nice OS so far
@rlemon Welcome to Root Access chat for Super Users! I am this channel's helpful chat bot. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help. For bot commands, type !!listcommands
ohh how I love being greeted by the chatbot
I wasn't greeted! :(
There needs to be a StackExchange chat app.
there does
This account superuser.com/users/265836/chris198810 appears to be advertising/spamming links to this site: brorsoft.com
@DanteTheEgregore: flag it as spam
Already did.
so did I ;p
yeah, I flagged one some days ago... weird didn't got nuked
I swear media converter questions are spam magnets.
meh, kill them all with ffmpeg, format factory and .... what else?
My most voted comment is a joke... :(
What's an Egregor
(1) What is an egregor?

An 'egregor' (or 'egregore') is not a word one would find in a dictionary or on the internet.

Around the year 1985, I first came upon the word 'egregore' in The Magician, his training and his work, by W. E. Butler, Aquarian Paperback, 1982 (1959), p.155, where Butler writes that:

"A clear idea of the nature of the magical Egregore, or group form, should be built up in the mind in order that the aspirant may understand what part he plays in the whole complex scheme, and thereby may know how closely he is guided and aided in his chosen work."
Does that answer your question? :P
Can you answer a rhetorical question?
@allquixotic D3... You appear to be well-liked by your peeps
@Paul It's complicated. :S
I mean, the whole being well-liked thing
I'm very lucky that many of the people who have some characteristics that I score low on (Motorist, Religious) also happen to be either Socialist or Liberal, State Employees, or Parents.
After a long time of them absolutely hating me, I fought Youth, Wealthy and Capitalists to a standstill, but partly at the cost of significant favor with Socialists -- although I've been able to keep Liberals pretty consistently happy
only in very recent months have Socialists turned yellow, though.... through the whole early game (like the first 6-7 years; I'm on my third term in office now out of 5) they were my main backers
almost all the socialists are state employees, though, so I don't have to worry about their votes
my only threat are 32 armed religious fanatics in the "Crusaders of the Lord", but their organization is neither growing nor shrinking
I think the only thing keeping the religious fanatics from assassinating me is my moderate stance on abortion law... already legalized prostitution so that was a huge hit
my method of policymaking will probably break down if the economy goes into a deep recession again before the game ends -- I pour an enormous amount of spending into making as many groups happy as possible, so without the global economy's huge help, I'd have to raise taxes and cancel expensive programs that are beneficial to happiness... bleh
barely survived the first recession and got down to a "B" credit rating.... but that happened in my first term so I didn't have all my spending fully built out yet
@allquixotic this game sounds eerily realistic...
"You will get 100% of the vote" -> usually unlikely to happen
some joker will write in "YOUR MOM"
@MichaelFrank amusingly I know that one off a online friend who does lots of wierd occulty stuff ;p
That's... weird. o.O
I always vote for your Mom, @JourneymanGeek
@MichaelFrank: that I know what it means? ;p
No that they're into 'occulty' stuff. :P
@MichaelFrank: I've been in odder places on the internet ;p
@JourneymanGeek On on hand, yay, torch arived!
On the other... I don't have the batteries or charger yet -_-
what torch?
@JourneymanGeek One of the generic cree ones
Q: Upgrading to newer version of Apache on CentOS

Thomas WesselI have bought a webhotel running CentOS. By default Apache 2.2.6 was installed, and according to the release history that is from 2006. Do the CentOS people really believe that this is the most ideal version for RPM/Yum to install? Is it possible to upgrade to a newer version? First I tried...

what exactly is a webhotel I wonder
1 hour later…
Prior to the start of the competition each team will receive an M2M Starter Kit. Each kit will contain a:

    Raspberry Pi®
    BigPond® USB 4G – A mobile broadband dongle
    Telstra SIM Card
    8GB SanDisk® SD Card
    HDMI Cable
    5V Micro USB Supply (a standard phone charger will work)
nice ;p
and.. assignment submitted
@JourneymanGeek wait, finally?
this was a second one
still have 2 more.
this is school of IT, so no turnitin bullshit
new ش options.
Hmm, bloody is not perceived as offensive over here (NL) as far as I know.
its not really a swearword
Q: Does computer weight increase as I add data to my Hard disk?

user2910247I recently purchased a new Dell laptop. It weighs 1.34 KG. I want to add movies in my laptop. Will my laptop weight increase if I add movies?

@JourneymanGeek uhhhhhhhhhhhhh
not sure if serious
Poe's law.
Best troll question ever.
I guess it depends on your movies. Best not try to download Ironman
best part?
I think I can actually answer it
JTRipton on October 23, 2013

Buying a new laptop can be a difficult venture. You must decide which one is right for you. Depending on what your needs are, there are tons of things to consider like hard drive space, graphics cards, and general ease of use.

But once you find your dream computer, there are a few things that you must do. Here are some tips to follow after you purchase your laptop to make your computing experience a pleasurable one.

Image via Flickr by Microsoft Sweden

An important part of purchasing your computer is actually registering (and successfully activating) Windows. It activates all the perks of having  …

and.. there's a dupe
@JourneymanGeek no that only happens on desktops, where you keep adding in drives to hold the added data pound at a time till it weighs in at 50lbs :-)
someone obviously needs to try this out with a multi-petabyte array, a VERY sensitive scale and a clean room
@JourneymanGeek @Psycogeek Did you guys know this? Super User Blog: What to Do After Buying a New Laptop
these 3.5 drives weigh in at 1.5Lbs each.
I would have thought by now they would have cheapened up the case, to reduce mass shipping cost, like they cheapen up everything else.
@Boris_yo huh? its very extensive thourough blog :-) might just as well say , install it and go :-) I just wish it would remain that easy for me. just changing the look and feel would take 6 pages .
@Psycogeek Watched Street Sharks when kid?
uhm. I miss three things in that post:
1) Full backup before booting the OS.
2) Repartition drives
3) A full clean OS reinstallation to realy get rid of all the bloatware
@Psycogeek uhm. They did for a lot of consumer drives
1) installing windows with WAIK 2) disabling all the unnesssisary crap 3) changing all the colors icons and wallpaper and log-in screens 4) the few tweaks that acutally can improve performance depending on your systme 5) the rolling full backups
I think my 1TB drives (consumer stuff) weighs less than half what my SAS (enterprise) drives weigh. Ofc. the enterprise drive uses the mass to counter vibrations.
@Hennes It also recommends Norton. 'nuff said.
@Hennes Those SSD 2.5 drives are feather weight. Which makes me wonder if there are 4Terrabyte 2.5 drives that are 100% as fast and featherweight.
1. To backup before starting Windows first time on a new laptop?
2. How do you repartition driver where OS already exists without destroying data first?
3. Ridding og bloatware was mentioned there
My full backup before booting is in case of ever selling the laptop or when it need to be RMA'd
@Bob What? The above article? It recommends AVG.
> That being said, you may want to consider forking out a few dollars for an all-encompassing anti-virus program, such as Norton Antivirus software, or save some money and get basic protection, with something like AVG Anti-Virus software.
@Bob My miss...
dont worry , nobody ever reads that stuff anyways :-)
@Psycogeek Grandmas and grandpas do.
Why not recommend NOD32 or Kaspersky?
I also used PC-Cillin one time... What are your opinions on it?
after realising how important and interlinked the power settings are to the intel stepping and turbo and the sleep and all, i made 4 icons with 8 settings to do pushbutton power control
@Psycogeek Custom made presets?
1) green , tries to keep the computer at the lowest stepping (plus sleep or not) 2) low, everything but turbo 3) normal 4) stop stepping and keep it on high always , each with sleep or not.
@Boris_yo yes, i first assemble custom presets in the power profiles. then the system didnt make a really easy way to just run them. have to do with with crasy class numbering junk and batches.
Yes, if you add the DVD's on top of the laptop. Same also applies with bricks, apples, badgers etc. The problem is of course trying to move with the laptop or open it with out this tower falling over... — Dave Rook 17 mins ago
it actually took the longest time to get the Icons to change and update , to reflect the 3 states each one could be in.
@Bob If you want to run Norton, it is best to have one PC for Norton, and another PC for doing work and whatever else you need.
The next trick would be to do the same thing for the GPU, the stupid GPU changes clocks to a rediculous level (fans damn fans) everytime the 2nd monitor is on. But there is no need to have such a rediculous setting with the fan going at 1/2 speed just because a 2nd monitor is on. The Old GPU never had that problem at all.
@Paul lol, that is still my opinion of windows search (the 2nd version of indexing) change one file, and it goes through and re-indexes that whole folder again?? that might make sence to me if the system did not KNOW every file that was moving copying or comming in or out any way instantally.
with the anti vir, seems like it should be the same thing, something New comes in, scan that new thing ONCE inside and out (inside the compression) , and be done with it.
If your so incapable of scanning a whole file once, then as it is Installed (not as it is run) scan the changes made on install then.
Once it is run, then your just to freaking late, and you might as well get off my machine and go home and fix your bloody self :-)
Once the user has run it like 100 times and your still hooked in slowing the whole run down everytime. then you need to be banned from existance, taken out back and shot at the stake.
This one is good. Requires thinking.
@Boris_yo is going on a rampage when you stop taking your pharmasudicals concidered a side effect, or an after effect?
@Psycogeek "A young woman's world unravels when a drug prescribed by her psychiatrist has unexpected side effects."
You wanna spoiler? This movies has a twist which changes your perception of plot.
@Boris_yo Unexpected? because she didnt read the 40 page disclaimer , the 87 side effects that included dying, and read the 1200 horror stories on the web of people who have taken it? She didnt need a drug she needed brains :-)
You know why I prefer watching movies where I can control the process of watching? Because unlike in movie theater or TV, I can stop, rewind and try to think about plot and understand something I would not otherwise.
@Boris_yo Just yell out really loud, Hey projector guy, back that up a bit , i missed it.
@Psycogeek You are wrong here because you just don't know the twist.
Projector guy back to you: "That would be additional $n dollars sir!" (for every action)

And don't forget about mad audience that covets to crush you after screening...
@Boris_yo audience "shut-up and sit down" :-)
@Psycogeek Shut up and take my money! :D :D :D
Problem solved.
If you stop everything in a movie and analise it fully, you will reaize where it is flawed 800 ways, and that will ruin the xperience.
(wouldn't I just build movie theater in my house if I was such a rich?) -.-
@Boris_yo dont have to be rich. magnifying glass, dark room, some monitor, and a $2 shower curtain stretched over 1x2"s
@Psycogeek Continuity errors?
@Boris_yo That and starting to realise it is a set, and where did that light come from, and how was that sound added in later, and Where the hell do they put the orchastra ?
did you see an orchastra, or a band, or even an electronic keyboard? where do them sounds come from :-)
@Psycogeek Let's not forget nothing is perfect and it's a movie...
@Boris_yo forget everything, and enjoy it.
Yep and keep sleeping while Hollywood plants its movies with propaganda and occult symbols to brainwash you and obey to the order.

oops I am leaning towards conspiracy here...
@Boris_yo they have all symbols, just becasue some of them are designated for propaganda and occult doesnt mean they specifically intended the placment of a cocacola machine next to a phone booth that still takes a quarter to run it, that any one of them are real :-)
The movies created aliens, and fake occult stuff, and conspiracies, its thier right to continue to entertain using the fake things they made up to tell us stories. Like the caveman grunting out stories of a great boogidy monster comming to get you, while hanging out around the community fire.
@Psycogeek That could be biggest deception of evil
Isnt there people out there with even more superior skill sets at creating things to fear and reasons to act one way or another , based on creations of man and mind?
@Psycogeek Who are these men?
@Boris_yo I am not at liberty to discuss such matters, if i do the aliens will abduct me and set me up for another re-programming session. They dont know it is ineffective, but it still not fun to do , so in that respect it is a deterrant.
@Psycogeek USA is about freedom of word
@Boris_yo With freedom of speech comes the 15 minute lectures :-) deterrant :-)
@Psycogeek Which lectures?
cant butt up against the majority, if you do not want to listen to the majority over rule you
@allquixotic Showoff! :D
@Psycogeek Or overwrite you (computingly speaking).
@Boris_yo ahh see you know.
Gotta love old times. You could challenge anybody to a duel if offended and kill sonomabish to never see his shitty face again. Good riddance!
@Boris_yo or die in the process and be done with it, all the same.
@Psycogeek You could cheat. Could you? What if he's on step 7 and you turn around on step 5 to shoot him?
Back then , a bullet would go through you and just hurt you so badly, you could find something else to worry about, like the pain. The single ball ripping flesh and bone. but not to be breaking apart and tearing through multiple organs and all. like todays tumbling and splitting bullets
@Boris_yo then your not a man, and even if you win and they dont shoot your ass for cheating, you still have to live with being the slimiest person on the planet ?
@Psycogeek Splitting bullets? Reminds me of Wanted with Angelina Jolie...
@Psycogeek Of course you could move to live on lone island forever.
@Boris_yo at least you would be alive. but then what was all the fuss about that you had to have a Deul over?
so was a duel about Power plays and opinions and setting things straight (including shootouts at Ok corrals) or about staying alive, by blending in with the civillians?
@Psycogeek I don't know. Revenge?
@Boris_yo Deul with a drone, would it get slimier than that? Deul between leaders with nuclear weapons. they were doing a power duel between leaders with the syrian "gas" thing.
Q: a friendly elaboratation on how iceweasel misses as recent request was discovered in post tut

v3x3nI would like to specify what you asked about in how iceweasel misses on in hopes that you are interested in considering the answer to be valid considering the package should run efficient to a novice user especially when getting a first impression on a new software, browser, or package they are g...

@Sathya holy shit that first sentence
I thought that was a markov
@Bob ha
@Psycogeek Nucelar weapons will act on worldwide mass scale compared to gas.
@Bob Markov? Automatic content writer or something?
@Sathya is this a college thesis or is there a question in there ?
@Psycogeek you tell me
thats PRECISELY what I asked
@Sathya Looks like it could use headers before each lengthy paragraph. "Image Freeze and lag" , "Add-ons" , and "cant guess i am a windows developer" :-)
@Boris_yo Hello Sir How are you ?
Stop and I won't come after you. But continue asking me again how I am for no reason, I will find you. And I will kill you.
(checking off proper greeting to boris, as unnessisary item)
@OliverSalzburg what? your game didn't go as well? :P
@JourneymanGeek ^^
anybody know how MS SQL server works?
i am running MS SQL server
and downloaded MS Adventure Works database from MS
now I want to work with it
Do I have to connect to some server?
@allquixotic Command hv learned
!!tell 11822270 hv
@Sathya @JourneymanGeek @Bob wait, wtf is this site?! the guy didn't cross-post; this site is literally just lifting all of SE's content.. AU, SU, etc... I fail to see the purpose in this O.o nerdanswer.com
> © Copyright 2013 nerdanswer.com
there's minimal attribution
probably enough to satisfy CC-BY-SA, unfrotunately. wait, doesn't satisfy SA, actually.. hrm...
@Bob it does meet req
@Bob ok that bit goes against what's expected
@ChatBotJohnCavil "You invite some people and talk about things."; there, you have a forum!
@ChatBotJohnCavil ooooh
@ChatBotJohnCavil now that is awesome @allq
@allquixotic Actually, it did. Just not that good
I think you can see my screenshots here: steamcommunity.com/id/gencha/screenshots/?appid=245470
@Sathya I'd expect SA to explicitly say X content is under CC-BY-SA
they provide attribution, but don't say it's released under the same licence
When you want to make money off someone elses content it's best not to publish under a non-restrictive license, lest other people try to make money off it too
@JimmyHoffa the problem is that they are violating the terms of CC-BY-SA, which means SE could demand a takedown
> Share Alike — If you alter, transform, or build upon this work, you may distribute the resulting work only under a licence identical to this one.
@Bob also, CC-BY-SA is a license by definition, which means that it's copyrighted by someone else (the people who authored the questions and answers); saying it's copyrighted by you is a strict copyright law violation
even if you were to take someone else's code licensed under the WTFPL and copyright it under your own name, the WTFPL is still a copyright license, which means that the person who licensed the code under the WTFPL is asserting their copyright rights to "enforce" the WTFPL
the WTFPL's license "terms" clearly give you the ability to re-license the work under any license you want, but the original copyright would still stay with the original author, I'd think
@allquixotic I'm just saying that it would be valid if that copyright notice was for the site as a whole and a more specific BY-SA notice was included with every SE excerpt.
But there isn't one, so... ya.

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