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5:40 PM
@Earmen, Can you hop over to this chat room?
@HemanthHaridas sure
The explanation you just gave makes more sense to me than the one given in the video
Yeah so did you follow the explanation that I provided in the comment?
Yes, I just ran your code and tried to understand. I think I understand what you did (that's an elegant use of python I must say)
Thank you.
But then there is a problem!
Why I am getting the lattice constant so different than the actual one!
5:42 PM
The densities and other parameters do not match
I saw that
I would suggest you try using different pseudopotential files and rerun the calculation
I mean the error is almost 50%. Does quantum espresso underestimate the lattice constant this much!?
I did. I tried with two different pp
Almost identical result
Can I remind you something? The experimental lattice constant in measured at room temperature i suppose, and these calculations run at 0K
This might be a problem. I am guessing this
I don't think so. I just did a quick google search in some research papers about the temperature dependence of Si lattice constant. The difference is only around 0.01 Angstrom
I will try to do the same vc-relax calculation for other well-known materials. I will see if QE continues to underestimate the lattice constant.
You can try graphene, It is inexpensive and well studied using QE
Okay. I will let you know about the results via this chatroom
5:52 PM
Can I know what are you doing? I am a PhD student
6:05 PM
I am undergraduate
I am doing volunteer research at the national institute of material science, Bilkent, Turkey. That's why I am learning QE
@HemanthHaridas hemanthharidas.github.io is this you!?
So you are a professional scientist! Nice. If you are still looking for post-doc position (as you said in your webpage), these are some of the professor working in computational material science and looking for post-docs. You may want to visit their profile:
Can you please give me their profile details? and I am still looking for a position
Thank you for letting me know about open positions
Cuneyt Sahin, working in DFT of rare earth materials, http://sahin.unam.bilkent.edu.tr/ , Engin Durgun, working in all types of DFT specially for 2D materials, https://durgun.unam.bilkent.edu.tr/ ,
Seymur Jahangirov, working with novel 2D materials and complexity, https://sites.google.com/view/jahangirov/
You can easily find their google scholar page
Thank you! I will certainly look into their profiles
6:15 PM
Your welcome
3 hours later…
9:23 PM
@HemanthHaridas, could you give me some direction about learning quantum espresso and DFT in general? Since you are on this field for many years, I am asking you. This is my 4th year in Physics undergraduate education and I learned the basics of ab initio methods, DFT and related concepts (PP, PW expansions, k-points sampling etc). But I want to get an operational knowledge of a software. I started with QE since it is free.
But I am facing lots of problems such as the youtube tutorials are sometimes misleading/don't work, the only proper GUI BURAI is last updated almost 4-5 years ago, I couldn't find any good book or hands-on tutorial on QE! Do you have any suggestions about the learning path of QE/source material for learning? I am mostly interested in 2D materials and DFT of quantum materials with defects.

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