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Hi guys!
@Panda Wow you got me! nice :-)
1 hour later…
Bye I am off
3 hours later…
@U11-Forward thanks!
@Panda congrats for first place. Got plans for the final hat?
@Eran thank you! I’ll probably give it a try later in the day, but it might be difficult.
No concrete plans yet though.
@Panda which one are you missing?
@Eran Movin' on Up
@Panda What's the trigger for that one?
@Eran answer accepted with fewer votes than the other answers
could be doable if I can find a recently-active question and write a longer answer than the others
@Panda I noticed that you have such a self answer on MSE. Did you try accepting it to see if you'll get the hat?
Might not work, but I'm not sure
@Eran Oh right, let me try.
@Eran Apparently I can only accept my own answer tomorrow (because I asked it yesterday).
@Panda Yeah that could make you beat me :-) I am stuck at the Wa-Boushi hat...
@Panda Oh, I didn't know that. Well, good luck
@U11-Forward Oh any answers that's close?
@U11-Forward Good luck to you as well
@Eran thanks, at least there's 1 whole day before WB ends
@Panda one is 34 but a mod locked it because I was keep trying to bump that post by editing it, and it got locked now for 7 days, no votes allowed.
@Eran Thanks Eran
@U11-Forward that's a bummer :/
@Panda Yeah :-(
@U11-Forward well, good luck to you too! there's still 40 hours anyways
@Panda Yeah
That's my worst Winter-bash since 2014 (or perhaps even since 2013). I'm missing more hats this year than I missed on all the winter bashes from 2015 to 2019 combined. Still it was a much better winter bash than the recent ones in terms of new hat designs and triggers. And the Unicorn hat was a great idea.
@Eran Oof yeah you won one time right?
@Eran Yea, I remember I was tied with you 2 years ago! It was my favorite WB till now. Not sure why, I just feel that WB still beats this time's.
@U11-Forward twice I had all the hats (2016 & 2018)
@Panda Just curious, do you know where is the best site to get lot of votes (for Wa-Boushi) :-)
@Eran Yeah I remember you won 2018
I can still get one more hat if this answer gets a vote - stackoverflow.com/questions/57919226/…
@U11-Forward That I, unfortunately, can't answer definitely.
@Eran nice answer!
I would have gotten Eliza Doolots too if I hadn't lost more than 600 rep for deleted users during WB. If only they deleted those users two 2 days earlier
@Panda Oh yeah you got it on Politics SE, I upvoted yours there
@Panda thanks :)
@U11-Forward Right, I always felt most of my highly upvoted answers are the most unexpected ones.
@Eran Oh I wasn't aware that deduction in rep counts against Eliza Doolots.
I have so many answers on SO that there's always one close enough to Guru status.
I possibly could have gotten Guru again on Politics but someone was faster to answer and got accepted instead.
@Panda Yeah lol this one I did here have no clue why I got so many UVs
@Panda Ah.
@Panda I wasn't either, but I counted my rep today, and without that deduction I'm over 2021 on SO + MSE
@Eran Seems like the trigger for the past 3 years has not been accurate "Earn 2021 rep network-wide".
@Panda I got this answer yesterday here
At least there isn't Red Baron hat this year.
with 8 UVs, was hoping for 40 :-)
@U11-Forward nice answer!
@Panda Yeah that hat was so hard...
@Panda Thanks for the UV :-)
@U11-Forward :)
@Panda I don't know. If upvotes for old answers/questions count for this hat, why wouldn't deductions for deleted posts or users count too?
Now that answer is officially nice @U11-Forward
@Eran Right. But I've got to say some triggers this year aren't as polished as I'd expected.
For example, TipTop ("Ask a question that gets answered fast") can be earned through a self-answer.
@Eran Thanks for your UV as well, some upvotes were coming when I posted that answer, and so I added some details and documentation links and iit got even more :-)
And self-answers count for both Soapbox and Comin' Up Roses.
@Panda Yeah that's how I got Comin' Up roses :-)
@U11-Forward and also how I got Soapbox too :)
@Panda Yeah saw that :-)
During my run for the Edward hat, I got this post and for no reason became an HNQ:
Q: Why is it that when we say a balloon pops, we say "exploded" not "imploded"?

U11-ForwardSometimes I wonder, when a balloon pops, we say: Oh the balloon exploded! Instead of: Oh the balloon imploded! When a balloon pops, it becomes smaller. As I see it, the meaning of "imploded" is: collapse or cause to collapse violently inwards. Wouldn't it be more typical if we say "imploded"...

@U11-Forward Would've been a great help for the 9000 views hat.
@Panda Yeah I even have another post with bunch of views: ell.stackexchange.com/questions/269922/…
@U11-Forward nice!
@Panda looking for posts to answer and get 40 upvotes and accepted...
@U11-Forward good luck in your quest. I'll be looking for questions to answer later too.
@Panda God luck to you as well
@Panda I might have been wrong about Eliza Doolots trigger. My count was wrong. Without the rep lost due the removed users I only have 1743 rep since the start of WB. Not sure I'll reach 2021 in time (even if the rep loss doesn't count).
@Eran Good luck for getting the Eliza Doolots hat.
@Panda Here is another post today I just did that would qualify for Movin' on Up :-)
@Eran That makes sense. Slightly more than a rep cap away.
@U11-Forward ahh, that hat takes a bit of luck.
@Panda Yeah exactly
Do you think that if I had an accepted answer on some question, and one of the competing answers later received enough up-votes to have a higher score than my answer, I'll still get the Movin' it up hat?
For example, if the 0 scored answer here - stackoverflow.com/questions/65404938/… - got 2 upvotes, and passed my +1 accepted answer, would I get the hat?
I'm not sure if the answer should be accepted after a higher voted answer already exists
@Eran I’d assume that it’s at the time of accepting, but I could be wrong.
Q: Why is the awarding of Nice Answer badge much faster than Enlightened badge?

U11-ForwardI have this answer I did yesterday on SO: Convert type str (with number and words) column into int pandas And I got my tenth upvote today. So I got the Nice Answer badge an hour ago: https://stackoverflow.com/help/badges/23/nice-answer?userid=8708364 But I was a bit confused that why I didn't...

3 hours later…
Bye I am off.
5 hours later…
Congratulations @Panda for obtaining the 41th hat! I can get two more (Gimme Space and Take This) to get to 40 if I delete one of my accounts, but I don't feel it's worth it.
(I doubt Moving on Up was intended to work with self-accepts, but hats off (pun intended) for finding/trying this out.)
2 hours later…
Congratulations both on MSE.
4 hours later…
@YaakovEllis hope I don't bother, here is Q about the Edwards Hat. I made it to 5 Q, all UV, but the hat was not triggered. Then the last Q got closed by mod 1 hour later. the playground is "Seasoned Advice".
^ closed as duplicate, which I contested

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