@Wyrsa Yup, it shocked me too a few years ago, realizing how a whole different group view Christians and the extent how they provide detailed justification of their own narrative regarding the Messiah. The other shocking thing is how they place oral tradition and non-blibical sources HIGHER leading to teachings that to Christians sound very foreign.
What's also hard is the plethora of Judaism-specific terms they use, making it hard to understand them before investing time to learn the literally hundreds of concepts and terminologies, even the subset that Christians use. That's why I haven't participated in their site.
I +1 your recent answer there and read the OP comment and the Rabbi's comment on it. My gut feeling is that they are representative of most Mi Yodeya participants in that they still feel threatened that they could be assimilated into Christianity, and knowing some history of supersecessionism and how they were persecuted by churches in the past 1000+ years helps me to symphatize.
At the same time that also helps me feel the force of Paul's failed attempt to convert the Jews of his day, and how much he yearned for unity not only between Jews and Gentiles in Christ but also among Jewish groups as well. So my attitude to them now should be ruled by Paul's compassion and Jesus's injunction to love our enemies and pray for them.
2 hours later…
But heaven forbid that I call these people faithful. For to me the shrine of Matrona and the temple of Apollo are equally profane. If anyone charges me with boldness, I will in turn charge him with the utmost madness. For, tell me, is not the dwelling place of demons a place of impiety even if no god's statue stands there? Here the slayers of Christ gather together, here the cross is driven out, here God is blasphemed, here the Father is ignored, here the Son is outraged, here the grace of the Spirit is rejected. Does not greater harm come from this place ...
5 hours later…
@Wyrsa Let's not repeat the church's past injustice toward the Jewish people that Pope John Paul II apologized (see here). Of course Paul wasn't prescient to anticipate the 2,000 church history of the relationship between the two peoples, but it's good to remember that Salvation comes from the Jews.
I think the mission to the Jewish people today is best done by Messianic Jews, not us, while we can still work together with them in promoting justice, monotheism, and the God who loves and faithful to us. Occasionally there are cultural Jews who became Christians through regular Christian churches. Two of the theologians / philosophers I most respected were in fact born Jewish who converted to Catholicism via Protestant churches: Fr. Thomas J. White and Eleonore Stump.
And the host of Closer to Truth, Robert Lawrence Kuhn (a Jewish atheist) is philosophically friendly with Christianity and Judaism in equal measure, shown through his interviews with Christian & Jewish scholars.
@Wyrsa Lastly, SE ex-moderator Monica Celio that I'm sure you encounter her name often, is friendly with Christians too, with whom I had the pleasure of exchanging a few messages. So at least in the SE space I want to reciprocate.
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