@GratefulDisciple As I said, people can call anyone they want, including themselves, "prophets." However, I do believe that the biblical canon is now closed, and that there is no need for further prophets in the biblical sense. Specifically, we do not need more prophets to fill the shoes of Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, and so on. What we have in those prophets is sufficient to fulfill the biblical role of the prophet for Christians of all time.
Usually when people proclaim themselves "prophets" it's because they have some pet dogma that they think is very important and they want everyone else to accept them as an authority, and believe their pet dogma.
Most often, their pet dogma is unbiblical, which is why they feel they have to proclaim it and get people to follow them and believe them as a "prophet."
But if certain people in the present day feel a calling to call people to repentance, as the biblical prophets did, they may have a genuine gift of prophecy in the New Testament sense. If it becomes clear that they're just doing this to get a following, though, then we have to question their sincerity and authenticity.
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