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A: How to handle counter offer

Old_LamplighterTLDR: NEVER ACCEPT A COUNTER OFFER: More nuanced answer: While there are exceptions, they are very very rare, and the odds are you won't be one of them. 80% of people who accept counter offers are gone from that company within 6 months, at the 12 month mark that goes up to 90% also cited here, a...

Where do these percentages come from?
@daisy Forbes, Money, Linkedin, inc
While this is undoubtedly good advice in general, I've worked in one place where people were known to interview elsewhere and get job offers solely in order to secure a pay rise in their existing job — and usually continued there, happily, long afterward.  And in another it was fairly common for people to leave and then rejoin 6 months later, again apparently happily and for a long time.  (Some people were sure I'd return…)  So there can be circumstances where accepting a counter-offer could be good in the longer term.  Ultimately it depends upon the particular company and culture.
@gidds "While there are exceptions, they are very very rare, and the odds are you won't be one of them."
@Old_Lamplighter Would you consider editing the answer to include some specific links for sources on those percentages?
@DavidZ you can if you like
Proposed an edit to remove unfounded claims, it stains the answer with low quality content. Surprising a 132k user doesn't know better..
@Jerryno As noted above, far from being unfounded, the information is readily available on Linked in, Forbes, Money, and referenced on Robert Half's website as well. And, yes, I do know better, as I've been an instructor on the subject of job hunting since 2002.
@Old_Lamplighter so far all you said is "dude, trust me", and until you disclose your sources it will remain so.
Here's a recruiter who reckons the stat quoted might be a bit of an urban myth.…
@Jerryno no, I told you where the stat can be found. All you have to do is look.
If the stat is easy to find online, could you add a link to it in your answer? That would solve the issue.
You are focusing on the money and opposing it to other issues which would not be solved... but the question states that the other issues would be solved immediately: "the manager told me that I could switch to one of three different teams"
Unfortunately the mods remove comments they don't like. But as I said, this answer is dangerous. Because the company has explicitly DENIED a counter offer. They have explicitly said "we will not give you a counter-offer".
Just add in the sources, don't waste everyone's time with spurious stats. While the following points are true, citing some number without a source is not helpful. "just google it" is not a source.
@Chieron cited on Forbes, Money, Linkedin, inc or, alternatively, you could write an answer of your own.
@FedericoPoloni Sure thing. All you need do is ask
@Fattie You already wrote an answer. Your comments are coming accros as sour grapes.
@Jerryno Since a few of you don't know how to do a basic google search....
@Old_Lamplighter actually, none of those links contain any source for the 80% claim. Yes, it's a common myth but still, it's a myth that is not backed by any research. At least, I didn't find any.
@Old_Lamplighter the "sources" don't lead anywhere, they are empty claims like your answer. Everyone talks about some statistics and pulls numbers from thin air, but where are the statistics?? All this is doing so far is spreading a rumor, because that's what it is until proper study is cited.
@Jerryno Feel free to provide an answer of your own. If newsweek, Forbes, and the experience of someone who's been teaching for 20 years isn't enough. By the way, "The sources aren't good enough for me", doesn't make the claim false. Also, please take the tour again, and familarize yourself with what comments are for, and take a look at the "Be nice" rule as well.
@ArthurKalimullin You didn't look very hard, did you? By the way, this is a volunteer site, if you want professional reasearch, my rates are 200 dollars per hour, 6 hour minimum.
Worst story on this site was a guy who took the counter offer, rejected the new company's offer, and was fired the next day.
@gnasher729 Yep, it's a huge risk, and IMO not one worth taking. I've never seen a counter offer work out in the end, I'm sure SOME do, but I haven't seen any. More often than not, I've seen the employee move on, as it was more about the BS than the money.
@Old_Lamplighter Are you saying that people who've taught for X years never believe any urban myths without scrutiny? I mean you seem to believe articles who handwavy reference "statistics" without ever actually citing any actual sources (I mean you took the time to reference several sites, so you spent some time but presumably couldn't find any actual statistics). Nobody is arguing that accepting counter offers is a good career move just that then umbers you cite are simply made up to support a point without any actual underlying data. (There's also an obvious sampling bias in any survey)
The first link gives 70-80, not 90, your second says 50-80, not 90, your 3rd says 80 not 90. Your 4th goes to the same page as the 3rd... Your LinkedIn “source” says 93 at 18 months but nothing about 90 at 12. Please, please, use accurate, sourced statistics, not numbers you seem to have made up, and tried (but failed) to find pages to support it. All we want is one reputable site supporting your numbers, not 6, none of which support it.
The numbers might also vary by country, by company, by industry or by position. My previous workplace had an official policy of "if you can prove to us another company would pay you more, we will match their offer". My.current company has one guy who tried really hard to get a pay-rise by citing an offer from his previous employer a few years ago. I work as a software developer in Germany
@Voo it's much easier to throw rotten eggs than it is to lay a good one, isn't it?
@Tim what's the real number then? Find it, and I'll edit it into the answer
@Old_Lamplighter that’s your job when writing the answer. Come on, you know this! I have no idea how to find it, or assess the quality of the source: you make the claim, you back it up. I’m happy to provide sources which disagree with your claim if that would be helpful for you?
@Tim Or, you could craft an answer of your own instead of vandalizing other people's answers
@Old_Lamplighter no: I have no expertise here, hence I’ve not written an answer. I don’t know the correct answer, but I can tell yours is incorrect.
@Tim If you don't know the right answer, how can you know mine is wrong? By the way, things exist outside of the internet.
@Old_Lamplighter if your source isn’t on the internet that’s fine. Provide a link to a book or a newspaper or whatever: I don’t mind what the source is. I know your wrong because all the sources you gave provide a different number to you (and I read them all to check). Now, unless you can find a reliable source which backs up your claim, please remove it.
@Old_Lamplighter I have no interest in using the chat, thanks. Comments are much better for me getting notifications, and a critique of sources belongs below the answer.
@Tim you know edit wars are frowned upon, and the author has final say, right?
@Old_Lamplighter you know that poorly / unsourced claims are frowned upon, right?
@Old_Lamplighter I don’t really understand, but that answer is full of citations? Across the network I consistently aim for my answers to be high quality, well sourced, and correct. I’d appreciate it if you showed a little more maturity, and stuck to the discussion at hand (this answer), rather than stalking my profile.
@Tim This isn't reddit. Comments are not for debate. If you don't like this answer, write one of your own, you can base it your own work experience if you like.
@Old_Lamplighter I have no work experience with accepting counter offers, hence I’ve not written an answer (as I’ve said above!). Instead, I’ve upvoted the one I feel most useful and reliable. You’re right this isn’t Reddit: answers here are expected to be well sourced. Perhaps you’d get on better spreading your unsourced urban myths over there? 🙂
I'd love to see the statstics on this for other countries, especially ones where it isn't as easy / acceptable to fire people.
So yeah, it seems doesn't care about the information quality if they locked this answer without deleting bogus statistics.

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