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4:36 PM
The more I walked, the more I realized how wild this forest really was. Gnarled roots jutted out of the ground every where, threatening to twist my ankles at any moment. Because of this I had to ditch the flip flops a long time ago. Sure, my feet were cut up and bleeding, but at least they weren’t broken.

The underbrush on the forest floor was so thick, I thought that some of the shrubs and plants were small trees, dropped on the ground by the ones above. I tried to find the best place to walk, but the shallowest path I could find was up to my knees. It was so dark under the canopy that I
Wherever I stepped, something moved out of the way. I guess those were the bugs and spiders. The ones in the ground, anyway. There were so many in the air that I gave up trying to swat them all. I was so cold that I decided to continue in the morning, when it was warmer. Besides, my brain was on mental overload from this crazy experience. Was I scared. Heck yeah. I was absolutely terrified. Laying on my back and staring up at the stars, I fell asleep for what would be my first day in the Forest.
👍 sounds great, and a good balance of external setting and internal thoughts.
5:40 PM
This part was really hard to do because all I can write about is setting, thoughts, and feelings. There is literally no conflict or any other characters yet.

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