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@Giacomo1968 not a big deal but you seem to be triggering off autoflags with the comment cleanups. I think I get the intent, so I wonder in some cases, if I want to keep the comments, can I just edit out your old username?
(and flag that if you want it deleted ... which might be helpful in poking another bug)
@JourneymanGeek Fine! If you feel 10+ year old comments that have my old user name are of value, please feel free to edit them. To me? They are all useless cruft so doing some cleaning. Nothing nefarious.
Oh ill intent presumed. I've mostly approved your flags/dismissed the autoflags
LOL! So you meant to type, “no ill intent presumed.”

Anyway, I just am tired of long tails of things that are irrelevant online. And I see comments as irrelevant with maybe a handful that should stay.
Which is fine :D
But editing old comments is.... wierd, so I wanted to make sure its ok :D
@Giacomo1968 I have a bad habit of getting distracted/doing 3 things at once :D
LOL! 3 things at once? This past week was a dozen things at once.

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