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@robinCTS we suspend lots of people ;p
(IE don't worry about the user)
2 hours later…
@JourneymanGeek I allowed for that in my calculations. That's why it's only 99.87% instead of 100% ;-)
@JourneymanGeek I'm not worried (or after revenge or anything like that). I suppose now that I do know 1) I can avoid any unnecessary interaction; and 2) I can be super-careful if I do interact with them - for example I'll just action any Review Queue item for the user as per normal, but not attempt any further mentoring (which is what I'm guessing set off the user). ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
4 hours later…
@robinCTS - Careful; You not mentoring this user will trigger them. They will now start to claim you are targetting them, even though all you are doing is handling the review queue, and you have no control over what appears in the queue.
So now you will have to skip over their submissions in the review queue, which means you are treating them differently, because of who they are.
Sort of like how we are treating new contributors different....
Even though they submit answers with a bunch of question marks.
@Ramhound see - that's precisely the kind of drama I'd like to ignore
focus on the posts, not the users. We'll try our best to help if there's anything fishy
I actually do.
but I really don't want to see that whole sense of hostility towards new users.
I don't like the new user indicator either but meh
I am going to show my displeasure about the indicator, that it goes against everything in the Code of Conduct about being nice to everyone, not just new users. That being helpful should happen to everyone, being nice should be towards everyone, no matter who they are.
eh, yeah
(I said as much on meta)
My rant is more of a rant towards the behavior I have witnessed against me, all because I spend time in the review queue because I feel the review queue design allows new users to target users who review their contribution in the queue.
ever since I changed my Stackoverflow user profile name I have not received a single downvote against it, prior to doing that, I would receive downvotes daily.
I also decide to hide all my communities from one another.
Well for some reason you annoy people lol
I blame the comments.
You're assuming its a new user ...
don't forget, you need 125 rep to DV
++ they can flag and here's the funny thing...
we hardly, if ever have a new user flag for rudeness. Its usually more experienced users who do
I am going to go cry in the corner of my room, work called again, yet again I have to drive into work on Sunday....
All I wanted was to play a little World of Warcraft <crys>
I am working today
and since its monday I need to switch to my slower data connection for most part
(sunday night shift ;p)
and my dog's sick
It's Sunday for me, I am supposed to be off, but I made myself too valuable which means I am always called (I am also on call but that is beside the point)

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